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Pico squeeze

The Pico squeeze! Been on order for about 3 weeks, was due to ship in 3 days back then!
Still says 5 days now!

Have 2 Narda's on way already
Probably a big backlog moley. I ordered mine July/August.
had one and did`nt like it much as i found anything over 0.3 ohms it would take a bit to get the coils glowing up (i was using 26g wire) abit like the orig dripbox it needs low ohm builds to get anything good from it

It's not merely resistance that determines how a coil performs. On mech mods in particular, coil mass is much more important. If you're determined to use claptons and the like, low resistance will certainly counteract the effect of increased coil mass. Single wire coils are much more versatile in this context and I vape mech squonkers with 26awg SS316 coils between 0.35 ohms & 0.6 ohms, all giving great flavour and good density, albeit nothing a cloud chaser would call competitive. :D
The Pico squeeze! Been on order for about 3 weeks, was due to ship in 3 days back then!
Still says 5 days now!

Have 2 Narda's on way already
We must have ordered around the same time, mine kept on being put back.

I cancelled it today and ordered from Vapenology. They have it for £21.50 delivered. I think it worked out £3.50 dearer. I've never bought electronics direct from China, this was my first, I'd always been nervous about warranty. Atomisers I don't mind - change some screws, o rings - file a bit down - I can usually get them going.

Weird thing is the Squeeze was to test the water before I built a squonker. But I have the parts sitting here for a Hammond 1550p squonker...

Got an Odis while I was cancelling the order...
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