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POLL How long did it take you to stop smoking?

How long did it take you to stop smoking?

  • 1 Day

    Votes: 189 48.8%
  • 1 Week

    Votes: 61 15.8%
  • 1 Month

    Votes: 44 11.4%
  • 3 Months

    Votes: 20 5.2%
  • 6 Months or longer

    Votes: 43 11.1%
  • I still dual fuel

    Votes: 30 7.8%

  • Total voters
3 months, had to find the right juice and was conscious of the many previous failed attempts. But, it's stuck and not had a fag in over 5 months.
3 weeks, exactly. I was going to stretch it out longer, but one day the stinkies just tasted bad to me, and I put them down and didn't pick them back up. Vaping just tastes better
I remember the first day I got my Nautilus mini and Sigelei 30W mini, I didn't have any cravings for a cigarette whilst using the device so just stopped.

This was either 2014 or 2015, so haven't smoked since then.

Although it formed another habit, collecting mods and RTA's and RDA's. I used to be constantly on fasttech looking for clones to try out, both of mods and RTA's and RDA's. A fair few of my atty collection is authentic, and I do own the clone version to some of my authentics like the OBS Crius- they are so similar that I have a feeling some of the factories in China were making up a certain amount of authentic tanks or RDA's for the customer, then making more that went out the back door for them to sell themselves as clones.

I once bought two subtank mini clones, and the scratch off code on the box came up as genuine when I checked it with Kanger.
I began vaping on Jan 8 of this year. My first complete day with no cigs was Jan 30. So, about 3 weeks. I have not had a cig since. I had a craving one day when I was really busy and realized I just hadn't had enough nic. So I took myself out onto the terrace and just vaped a while until it passed. I guess I will cut down on the nic after a while, but I am not in any particular hurry. I am just glad not to be smelling like an ashtray anymore. Plus I don't get out of breath nearly as fast, already.
I went from 20 to zero cigarettes thanks to a Justfog Q16 with 9 mg nicotine e-liquid in 2016.
After a little over a year, with the Eleaf Melo 3, I reached zero mg.

I still vape at zero for the habit, the hobbyist passion, and the certainty that I’ll never buy cigarettes again.
It took me less than a day. The day I was bought a ego pen stick 12 years ago, even the vape was right for me, the ironic thing was that my dad an sister bought it for me and the liquid was free, no choice on the liquid as it was tobacco by dekang, 24mg but didn't take me long to come down the nic to 0.03 per 70mil , 6 months is all it took, and never looked back.
LOL I even carried my rolling tobacco round with me for 8 months just in case, but never touched it, gave it away.:}
This thread title really annoys me. It doesn't take any time to stop smoking! You smoke, then you don't! :banghead:
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