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Popping coils - argh!

Washers not these out of stock @Stealthvape o-rings?


Nah ... Michelle means metal washers ... will make the distance between the top of your coil and the washers less .. so shorter top "Leg"
BTW .. nice avatar .. saw the Dickies last year on the Damned tour :)
Dang - searching for "Aga-T2 hotspot" delivered me to Todd. It was so easy.

Right - where's a biro

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I did a lot of the dates :) but yes I was at RC :D

The paper snow was a nice touch ...

It wasnt their stuff though .. it was left over from a previous band .. and they got to use it
Could also tilt your wick slightly so its closer to the centre post. Does basically the same thing as the washer would, at least until you can get some. I've found it helped on some of my builds in the past.
Could also tilt your wick slightly so its closer to the centre post. Does basically the same thing as the washer would, at least until you can get some. I've found it helped on some of my builds in the past.

+1 .. i do this
Right, no bloody small o-rings.

I've got boxes of everything else but not that so I've taken a pair of tin snips to a small hinge and fashioned something which is square, uneven and will clearly not do the job of a washer - so here goes... :D
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