Want to be a sponsor for PoTV? Sorry, but No Thanks!
I just wanted to touch base about something before a rumour becomes the "truth" amongst our amazing Vaping Community.
PoTV is not sponsored by any vendor or company that is a member of this community. We have never asked nor entertained the idea of being sponsored by any vendor, company, or member of the forum. Anyone claiming to be a sponsor or involved with PoTV on a financial or business level is not being honest with you.
OccultScientist, who owns PoTV, has foot the bill for all of the costs related to the forum where the donations that have been made, do not cover the upkeep. This includes the monthly server costs, upgrades, information cards, advertising, etc. Donations are not required to be a part of PoTV and we do not routinely ask that any be made. The option is there at the sole discretion of any member who wishes to do so.
We do not promote one vendor over another and we try to be as equal and fair to every single one of them just like we are with our members. It is up to the vendors if they wish to contribute prizes for competitions or make a cash donation. These contributions do not equate to a sponsorship.
The only thing we ask vendors to do, is link back to us on their websites in return for the free advertising we provide them. This is aimed at keeping the forum user based friendly and to combine our good names to increase awareness across the vapeverse.
We are a vaping community, PoTV was put in place at the request of the membership when we were still a temporary site. Our number 1 priority, has been from day 1 and will continue to be so, is to keep the community together and to be here to support all vapers, new and veteran.
I just wanted to touch base about something before a rumour becomes the "truth" amongst our amazing Vaping Community.
PoTV is not sponsored by any vendor or company that is a member of this community. We have never asked nor entertained the idea of being sponsored by any vendor, company, or member of the forum. Anyone claiming to be a sponsor or involved with PoTV on a financial or business level is not being honest with you.
OccultScientist, who owns PoTV, has foot the bill for all of the costs related to the forum where the donations that have been made, do not cover the upkeep. This includes the monthly server costs, upgrades, information cards, advertising, etc. Donations are not required to be a part of PoTV and we do not routinely ask that any be made. The option is there at the sole discretion of any member who wishes to do so.
We do not promote one vendor over another and we try to be as equal and fair to every single one of them just like we are with our members. It is up to the vendors if they wish to contribute prizes for competitions or make a cash donation. These contributions do not equate to a sponsorship.
The only thing we ask vendors to do, is link back to us on their websites in return for the free advertising we provide them. This is aimed at keeping the forum user based friendly and to combine our good names to increase awareness across the vapeverse.
We are a vaping community, PoTV was put in place at the request of the membership when we were still a temporary site. Our number 1 priority, has been from day 1 and will continue to be so, is to keep the community together and to be here to support all vapers, new and veteran.