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pre-coiled wire and wick

No I've seen them but quite like making my own and so far they've worked perfectly, plus I've got enough wire to see me good for some time
Yes. I buy the "Coiler" brand ready mades from ebay. Machine made and spot on, the ones wound onto 3mm wick work best for me on protanks as there is no need for additional flavour wicks. Ohms are (average) 2.0, but there's enough wire on the tails to play around with more/less wraps. They are machine coiled so the coils are perfect spacing and perfect tension, and, at £6.00 for 20, cheap as chips.
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I haven't, but I have seen someone selling pre wrapped coils on ebay for £4.50... I was shocked lets put it that way, especially considering the price for many metres of kanthal and wrapping a coil takes less than two minutes!
Sorry but I think they are intended for noobs and are a rip off as has been said you can buy a lot of wick and wire for that price and a coil can be made in no time and you will soon get the hand of getting your preferred resistance in your coils. If it's just for the sake of not being to bothered about the cost as long as you save 1 minute of your time then I suppose they are ok but me personally I am to tight to pay some one to do something I can do myself in seconds ;)

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As someone not at all confident about doing this I'd like to give the eBay ones a try. Having problems with eBay search for evod coils coming up with many items that are not just these pre-made coils. Can someone advise best way to find them ?

Also are they of good quality with decent wicks that you can dry burn because they have no flavour wicks, Fed up to the back teeth with Kanger coils as going throught them like a dose of salts, well one every couple of days. Only vape 3ml a day with standard eGo battery so they should last longer than that.
It's Ok I got some from SamPigletPink on eBay. I know the pure bloods disagree but for us of the cack handed variety we have to start somewhere.

Those Coiler branded ones are now £8.99 for 20 & that's quite a price hike.
saw them on fasttech for a lot less, but may not be suitable for atties????
Could be worth a try for £2- £3 for 50 from Fasttech??? I'm tempted, because I am worried I will do it wrong and I have no patience ;-)
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Just tried those coils from SamPigletPink on eBay. Vaping like a champ.

Without an ohm meter how do I test they are going to work ?

Burnt out the first one by attaching my eGo battery & seeing if it glowed. It did but tried it twice & I think I burnt it out.

Second coil is working well. Certainly cheaper than Kanger £7 for 5 heads

Might take the next step & buy ekowool & premade wires from stealthvape. I bought 20 coils for £3.99 so should last me a couple of months I guess.

Trickiest bit is the white plastic insulator as stated elsewhere on here
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