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Problem with drop rda

We've all made mistakes along the way, I've made plenty I'm too embarrassed to mention, main thing is learn from them.
Yeah sorry about annoyed my carelessness has fucked it up, but thanks for everyone’s time
Sorry bud. Had to walk the dog's so dropped out for a bit.
Yep you found it. Christ knows how that got there.
I will look for spares but it's doubtful.
Sadly ft have plenty of six quid drop solo clones but no drop clones or spares.
Bugger. Sorry bud.
Only hope is to carefully heat the insulator and remove the debris but probably safer to call it one of those lessons learnt we've all had (a still have, lol).
I don't think you can get spares? Possibly because they are fairly cheap, worth asking where you bought it or contact the manufacturer?
If I'd reviewed one I'd have sent it on to you bud but I'm afraid I only got the solo and I've passed that on now.
If I'd reviewed one I'd have sent it on to you bud but I'm afraid I only got the solo and I've passed that on now.
That’s alright mate, just persuaded the misses to let me buy another one, gonna but a mod as well, all happy in my household again
I recently bought a clone drop from hotecig purely for spare parts as I split one of the posts in an authentic. Cheap as you like.
If I'd reviewed one I'd have sent it on to you bud but I'm afraid I only got the solo and I've passed that on now.
Not gonna break this one haha


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