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RBA question

Luke w

Sep 22, 2014
I brought my mrs a hana mod (genuine dna30 board) before this she had an mvp2 with a nautilus mini, my question is she's after an rba (kayfun or something similar) but I'm not sure if she would like it, so before I buy her something like a kayfun I was thinking try her with a fogger v5 first (authentic and only £20 delivered), I can build the coils etc as I only use RDAs myself so that's no issue.

what would people suggest?

Thanks in in advance!
Or could recommend anything else that would make a great first time rba? :)
Dunno about the newer foggers but the older versions were a bit of a pig to wick effectively. A kayfun by comparison, is a piece of cake.
I have a Fogger v4.3 or whatever it's called (it's the one before the v5) and can say that the wicking isn't really an issue. It leaks a bit around the air ring but nothing major. The biggest issue is that they seem to have made the deck smaller (don't know about the v5) and it can make for fiddly coiling, nothing a bit of practice won't sort out but still.
You might consider something with a good adjustable airflow.
I have the fogger 4.0 and the airflow adjustment is rubbish so I took the ring off and just leave it wide open.
Received my mrs fogger v5 today and one of the posts is leaning really bad, it seems to have a plastic bit underneath (possibly insulator?) anyone ever had this problem how did you solve it or do I need to send it back?
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