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Rebuilding atomiser on fogger 2.1


Mar 8, 2014
I've got one coming on Tuesday ,never had a rebuildable before,I've ordered off eBay 2.5 silica wool and 0.3 kanther wire is this all I need to have a go myself? Thanks for helping a newbie
I've got one coming on Tuesday ,never had a rebuildable before,I've ordered off eBay 2.5 silica wool and 0.3 kanther wire is this all I need to have a go myself? Thanks for helping a newbie 


right, you may be building for sometime....... ;)

the fugger sorry, fogger put me off rebuildables for months....and when you tell people you have a fogger its always followed by a sharp intake of breath :D

good luck!!
Watched a few videos on utube and looks ok,what are the problems?

it shorts like a bitch, theres a known problem with them....the decks are a fugger to work on, and did i mention that they short?
I've paid 15 quid for fogger and bits so will have a go and probably buy a new one in a few weeks lol
the fogger is a bugger you get it all right check the coil its all good then when you put it on your mod and fill it up it hard shorts and you get a lava button
the fogger is a bugger you get it all right check the coil its all good then when you put it on your mod and fill it up it hard shorts and you get a lava button

Hard shorts and you get a lava button? What do u mean lol,thanks for info m8,I'm man enough to give it a try
I have a fogger v3 its the one with the ss ring that covers the glass tank. The deck which you put your coil onto is just over a centimetre wide with the posts very close so its extremely hard to work in to get it set up right.
With such a small space there is little room for error that is why I guess many people are having problems with shorts.

It is my recommendation that you wrap your coil round a 1.5mm drill bit and limit your wraps to say 4 turns as you won't get much more than that to avoid shorts, once its tightened down twist your coil with the drill bit still in sideways to avoid contact and triple check closely that no wires are contacting the sides and thread through your wick after you have pulse checked that it glows ok.

One other thing to mention that I have experienced with its use, is that it seems to have a strange kind of air popping effect when you suck on it similar to those air pressure popping machines they use at opticians which is very off putting. Good luck with your fogger :D
And the first thing to do when you get it - is to take out the screw in the 510 connection, and put one of the small o-rings from the spares pack on the screw and screw it back in - that should stop the shorting. If you find that you need to unscrew it a bit to get it to make a connection to your mod then use 2 o-rings.

I quite like my Foggers (v2 and v3), but I prefer my Russian 91% clone.
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