Rda’s are for dripping or squonking, rta’s are like a tank but rebuildable, some rta’s can be used for squonking but they ain’t for dripping...
Recommendations are purely down to personal preference, what works for someone maybe not work for the next person, that’s why there is so much gear out there, you will probably end up trying a few before you find what works for you...
A ‘hot vape’ is only a hot vape if you make it a hot vape, wattage, resistance and airflow are all factors in how hot the vape is, personally I don’t use anything dual coil anymore, I find single coil easier to set up, best flavour and overall works better for me, but if I had to pick a dual coil rda it would be the original goon, it’s the one I used for the longest and enjoyed the most...