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Recommended 22mm BF RDA?

I've got the wasp, hadaly and the pulse 22.
All good but the pulse is the one I use the most. Hadaly draw is a wee bit too tight for me although the flavour is good. I like the wasp but the whistling draw can be a bit annoying at times.
Split Atty
Dotmod Petri
NoName NoLegal
DDP Typhon
Split Atty
Dotmod Petri
NoName NoLegal
DDP Typhon

Googled up on all of these as I reckon you're a chap what knows his stuff but unfortunately the pukka versions all seem to be a bit rarer than rocking horse poo:17:
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From all the above the Pulse 22 is by far my favourite. Have you actually put a 24m rda on the inbox? I'm have mild ocd when it comes to atties. I like Matchy Matchy! But the overhang on the inbox is just about the minimum you could spot without a magnifying glass. I took some pics of mine with the peerless and bare in mind these are taken purposely to show the overhang. You don't notice it unless you look for it. And 24 opens a whole new world of bf rda. I rock mine with the goon and dead rabbit all the time...

@ZendeR yeah that looks perfectly fine you're right. :p
Yeah. If you can live with that then you're spoiled for choice with 22 and 24. For first time squonkers I always recommend high air holes like the rabbit or pulse as it's nearly impossible to oversquonk but there's a new bf rda coming out every week these days. Xmas all year round! :2thumbsup:
What are thoughts on the Anarchist Riot RDA and Envii Kilted RDA?
Also the serpent.
They look like higher priced ones on reduction in a couple of places.
Not sure they can be used for BF.
At the end of the day I will probably just take the advice and get a pulse or dead rabbit but there are so many to choose from lol
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Riot looks nice but isnt squonk compatible as far as i can see - comes with a lovely case though........ not sure about the envii.......
If you're looking for an Idiot proof BF RDA with good flavour, not too huge an airflow and a velocity style deck then you need the GP Dripper Pro - I have 3 of them, more or less impossible to oversquonk, airflow from Tight MTL to mid DTL, excellent flavour too. 45 euros from vapourart but postage (They only use DHL) will take it to around 60 euros...

Bugger - just found they're out of stock...:banghead:
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