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Rip - you must be trippin, brah

Have you seen his latest hairdo? It's hilarious, shaved sides and a quiff...with his bug infested beard he's just like these hipster cunts you see in London...fashion victim or what lol
I'm not one to listen to reviewers. If I like the look of something and it's within my price range I'll buy it just like anything in life. If it turns out to be rubbish then that's my fault. In my eyes if a reviewer is given something to review then that should be the payment. Use it, review it, keep it. Simple.

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I agree with this comment the device should be the payment and should be reviewed honestly.

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Reviews are simply that, reviews....No matter what anyone says, the final decision on whether or not I buy something rests with me.....The Buyer

Reviews (by anyone) only let me see a close up of the item and how it all fits together, But then again I can see that in any decent B+M store.....

As to whether or not bunce has been exchanged for positive reviews, I really couldn't care one way or another.
I'm waiting to hear about all these companies that have paid for good reviews so everyone can hate them too ;)
I've been following this aswell. For me it's about finding out the pros and cons, and being able to warn if a device/juice/atty whatever, is decent or complete shit.
Only incentive I get is the product I'm reviewing. The fact equity may be involved is definitely gonna affect Reviews.
From what I read, this was about an app, and not a review, but there is no solid evidence in anything lol
Apart from anything else who's fault is it if they buy a shit vape item ? Reviews are good, i like them but i don't view them as a believer, i take what i want from a review & decide for myself.
Even if a well viewed reviewer was getting paid to give positive, it makes no difference to me. I look at reviewers as a load of biassed people & read what i want from them.
Nothing wrong with wanting payment for a review, he's an influential character in this industry with a big following.

He's basically marketing your product for you to a following of over 300,000 vapers all looking for the next great thing to throw their money at. A mod worth a couple hundred is hardly the type of fee you'd pay for that kind of promo, in any industry.

I love me a scandal but this aint one, and i like twisted but he's looking a bit like a hater imo

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Reviews are subjective. I have bought stuff on the pretence that the reviews were good. Turns out that the stuff I bought after seeing the reviews were a bag of shit.
There is only one way to review stuff, Buy it, and see if you like it.

Someone told me that the Chinese takeaway near me had excellent food. Turns out that it made me throw up.

Each to his own eh.
I find it more like watching a clown, dont get me wrong i have taken some coil building advise which i appreciate. But i doubt people would just buy off a review of one person, If a new atty comes out dont people search the net for like 5 reviews? IE the Goblin that i bought, i watched at least 5 reviews, and then saw the praise from forum users here. I dont give a crap if he gets paid or not, if someone is daft enough to buy off some crazy yank on speeds say so then more the fool them, or maybe they are not arsed about the money..
Have you seen his latest hairdo? It's hilarious, shaved sides and a quiff...with his bug infested beard he's just like these hipster cunts you see in London...fashion victim or what lol

Never trust a man with facial hair.
They're hiding something.
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