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Rip - you must be trippin, brah

Interests should be declared openly whether it is free kit or cash payments.
You should never rely on a single source of information when researching a potential purchase.
If you only want to buy good gear you would have to watch reviews and feedback over a number of months before buying.Long enough for the problems that normal users have,to surface.
tbh it looks like Twisted's gone off half-cocked in pursuit of drama. If he has proof Rip wanted to be paid 2% revenue to endorse an App that's one thing, but proof that he's being paid to do favourable reviews is another. Proof of that will hurt every company involved. Other than that, seems these people are getting carried away with notions of self-importance, little evidence that anyone actually buys anything solely based on one reviewer's video of it...
why has 420 got his knickers in a twisted ?

i bet Rip off's trippin

green thinks its all a bit grim

i asked todd to review it but hes still pausing with a smile on his face

pbursado gave this one a big thumbs down

vaping bogan was quoted saying "listen you fucking dickheads i couldnt give a fuck ya cunt"

when it comes to youtube reviewers im SICK OF TITS !!
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I've found reviews on youtube useful as it is one thing to read a review but it is another to see a hands on. I always assume that the reviewer may or may not have a different set of tastes to me so it is how it looks, builds, fills etc.

I agree, people on here give the best advice, but actually sitting in my lounge in comfort watching the nuts and bolts of something is very helpful.

I was tempted by a goblin but the bottom filling put me off. I like being able to pull the top off/ twist the bottom off, insert juice, vape away. I don't want a fiddly screw I need to undo, fill, squirt juice everywhere, wipe up juice, re-insert screw, vape. Too fiddly for me. For others it isn't an issue but if I hadn't watched a hands on review I wouldn't have realised it was too irritating for me. The reviewer loved the device and was full of praise, but I take that as a given.

If it works, throws out the required clouds and taste, and looks good then I'm always assuming it is gonna get a good review. How it strips down and fits together is more interest to me.
I'm always surprised how small the build decks are when you get a new atomiser. In the reviews they look massive, almost as big as my monitor screen, but then they arrive they're tiny and I have to put my glasses on to see. What kind of trickery is this?
I'm always surprised how small the build decks are when you get a new atomiser. In the reviews they look massive, almost as big as my monitor screen, but then they arrive they're tiny and I have to put my glasses on to see. What kind of trickery is this?

Nah, you're stiing to close to the screen or you have huge eyes. :grin2:
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