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Rip - you must be trippin, brah

sorry but who the fuck cares if they get paid or not.. what difference does it make to anyone anywhere. seriously if the manufacturers want to pay him and give him a 50% share of all sales thats up to them . he isnt holding them at gunpoint over it. companies will either pay him or not there choice.
no one elses business and no one should honestly give a fuck anyway cos its all just one mans view of a product and means very little to anyone with an ounce of common sense. dunno who the otehr guy giving rip crap is, dont care tbh, sounds like a jealous nob who needs to go get some fresh air in the real life and concetrate on hes own shit rather than be concerned what someone else is doing.. if ya dont like it dont watch it simple as that.. twatcunt.

oh and one thing to add. he reviews products right. so by doing so he is essentially giving these products FREE advertising and promotion.. so why shouldnt he be paid.. thats simple laws of business for you.. you pay for promotion advertising of your wares. be it an online advert, a tv or radio advert, anewspaper or magazine ad. posters and fliers or an online reviewer.. seems the muppet by name of twisted needs to get a life or fuck off back to where he crawled out from
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sorry but who the fuck cares if they get paid or not.. what difference does it make to anyone anywhere

I think it only matters if he's getting paid to give a positive review rather than be honest about a product. As someone has already said, there is nothing to say at the moment that his pay is related to his opinion.

As others have said, it's always important to look for multiple reviews and opinions when purchasing a product. However, I would be disappointed if I found out that any of the reviewers were not entirely honest in their opinions, and were swayed in someway by being paid.

I think we all watch with the belief and/or hope that their opinion is honest and not being bought...
I think it only matters if he's getting paid to give a positive review rather than be honest about a product. As someone has already said, there is nothing to say at the moment that his pay is related to his opinion.

As others have said, it's always important to look for multiple reviews and opinions when purchasing a product. However, I would be disappointed if I found out that any of the reviewers were not entirely honest in their opinions, and were swayed in someway by being paid.

I think we all watch with the belief and/or hope that their opinion is honest and not being bought...

sorry but thats business for ya.. no ones going to pay for a bad review are they!
reviews should be taken with a pinch of salt. one mans meat and all that.. what one reviewer may like another may hate.

as a photographer ive seen this happen for past 20 years with the whole canon v nikon reviewers with clear bias towards one and clear dismissal of the other simply because they get paid to say so.
just view them as entertainment ( and sometimes educational/ informative ( such as rips coil building skills ) and move on to the next. but end of the day no one should go by the views of a single person.
Could not give a fuck if he takes payments for doing a product review, The only thing that matters is that he is honest when it comes to it and tells you when he find something that not good or a danger.

I have not yet seen him not point out any of the bad stuff or cons on any thing he has reviewed.

Try going down to your local TV station and seeing if they will advise your product for free and tell the actor he can keep it as payment :-)
Try going down to your local TV station and seeing if they will advise your product for free and tell the actor he can keep it as payment :-)
I think a lot of people still value undervalue youtube and social media promotion - despite having not paid attention to tv ads in god knows how long yet soak up youtube vids and instagram photos.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Makes me laugh these guys make a few youtube videos and seem to think they are the next big hollywood star. Can start making demands. Fuck you bearded hipster twats.

Reviewing is always subjective as one person's like is another persons dislike. Word of mouth by genuine normal users in the real world is the best.

Online reviews have a purpose as you get to see the product unboxed if a local b&m don't have it.

I have worked in sales for years and this sort of stuff has been going on since forever. What HiFi used to openly offer a 5 star review for money.

This is why most of the stuff I buy is from my local vendor. They allow the customers to try the stuff out before buy, they themselves understand what they are selling. The best bit is they tell you if its shite and if your not happy can return it.

Unfortunatly has vaping is seen as being in the "cool crowd" it will attract this sort stuff with people that want to cash in and use "their name" to get money.

Keep it real guys your not the next fucking big thing, your a lonely hipster making vids on youtube in your mums bedroom! Hehe Rant Over.

Firstly, to my mind 'Rip' is a character, he's nothing like his first 'normal' videos. People are obviously entertained by this character given the views he gets.

As others have said, it's business. As a manufacturer you want exposure and that's what rip provides along with a little stoking of the fire.

I think a lot of people would be surprised just how many videos are 'sponsored' on youtube, it's a very high percentage with most popular youtubers. Sometimes it's a declared sponsorship, other times it's a bit more covert and sometimes it's just blatant.

Either way this isn't news, it's just a guy with a little notoriety making the most of his five minutes in the sun. If someone is prepared to pay then there's people willing to take the money.

As with anything in life get as much info as you can from many different sources and make your own mind up.
So... Instead of this little girl using the awesome opportunity he has been given, bearing in mind all the £££'s worth of stuff he gets sent for free. He decides to cry on social media about his rival getting payed for providing a service. Seems to me that in reality twisted is pissed of because of his inferior amount of friends on Facebook or followers on Youtube.

I have watched a few of both of their reviews and I cant say i am a fan. Rip does far too much 'whoopin and hollerin' and twisted looks stoned all the time. The only people that i bother with are Vic and Todd. Maybe because they are both closer to home and less bullshit and sparkle.

Anyway rant over
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