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Rose V2 clone now in UK - £26!!

Fuck me, he's been lurking on the thread waiting to cast his pearls before the swine and all he can come up with is this shite? Climb back into your slippers old fella.
Oh come on bumpox don't be so sad that everyone doesnt agree with each other that's just so trivial. Why not quote some price pointing again I'm sure you'll feel better.
Toodle pip for a bit me old fruit
and you bummers of genuine items all come up with a different reason every time you get on your high horse? if you're sick of the clone talk why bother jumping into a thread that's all about clones? i thought you had the elitist bastard or connoisseur club or whatever the subforum for you snooty people is called for blowing vapour up each others arses about your over priced items...

Indeed there is but does not stop certain individuals from spamming it with FT back catalogue pictures
Point is there are arch antagonists on both sides of the fence and the clone/original debate will always be lively
But sadly usually degenerates into shit flinging
And then is closed
At least we have yet to reach the stage where clones are compared to cure for Ebola
Or some shit :)

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
you've mentioned it so now you have to tell me. how are clones compared to the cure for ebola? i must know! :D

You would have to look in the other (closed) thread on this subject
Very amusing ! ;)

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
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