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Rose V2 clone now in UK - £26!!

If @Mostly had his way I'm convinced the Kayfun would be the official EU currency :)

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes

If you go to Russia, Kayfuns are official currency .... endorsed by the Politburo

BTW I heard that if UKIP get voted into Government, the Rose v2 will become our currency

:P :P :P
For what its worth I have clones and originals
As long as they keep me off the analogues I'm happy either way

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I wouldn't want to put a fucking Evod in that situation! Let alone some overpriced engraved flashlight....

it's my £8 brass sentinel and my £5 trident v1. the sentinel gets a monthly clean with the sanding drum on my dremel. you could say it's pretty scratched.
You mean your financial strawman failed, and now you have no further argument?

And FYI when Svoemesto release their new Kayfun version I will likely purchase one as long as it around the same price point as the KFL as that is worth every penny.

So your personal price break point is £70 ish ?
I notice you mentioned the mor crann also. A mod I saved for and purchased as it is hand crafted by a bloke on a lathe the threads are not perfect and there is a void in the brass inner tube
I love it and will never sell it on be cause of these things and not despite them
Is that elitist ?
Perhaps it is by some peoples definition
I call it appreciating craftsmanship

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
One point id like to make.

With knockoff clothes, its all about the aesthetics, the quality is often piss poor at best.

With atties its about the performance (for most I assume)

The appeal IMO is to have a piece of kit that functions well and is effective....

If people buy kit original or fake, just to show off what they can afford that's pretty sad.

With atomizers, I think its a different kettle of fish to most mods. As the premium / desirability comes from the performance as opposed to fancy engravings/materials.

So it must be understandable why some with a limited budget still crave the best vape they can get.

IMO would be nice if china payed royalties to the original makers! Would be an interesting twist.

I don't buy originals to show off what I can afford, I just have to go without other things to buy them!
I don't personally like clones, to me they're just counterfeits (purely my own, personal opinion, each to their own etc) and no-one needs them. You can get a perfectly good vape from an aerotank with a NV coil.
I used to spend a lot on fags, so a few quid on an atty isn't that big a deal, and I wanted to see what the hype was about.

As Mostly pointed out, the cost of a Rose is a few days smoking (two and a half weeks for me, something like that) and it will last a hell of a lot longer and save my life into the bargain! :)
Don't matter how it's dressed up PayPal are and will be clamping down on all these fast buck merchants thinking they're Alan Fucking Sugar when they're more Del Boy at best who blatantly advertise clones and so called 1:1's in the UK while offering PayPal services as payment. No need to quote the eBay bullshit either as it's a minefield to police but if you report an item on there for being a rip off it will get removed as such.

Just for info Paypal are not fighting clones.

They don’t even know what an atomizer clone is.

Its standard procedure that if a company is reported for selling counterfeit goods then their Paypal account is limited while they investigate.

It’s in their interest to allow as many transactions to go through as they cream every transaction.

They havent sat down with Stattqualm and Eden Mods and decided to join the anti clone brigade and investigate all atomizer purchases to confirm they are genuine, surely you wasn’t under that impression?

Paypal are still processing orders for his Rosette just fine.

Paypal put the account on hold to investigate EV and then after investigation they unblocked the account.
EV only sells clones (well 90% of his range) and after Paypal investigated his business / products they reinstated his account, which completely contradicts everything you said Paypal were doing?
Why do you keep quoting PayPal ?

And how exactly are they clamping down on this ?

You keep harping on about PayPal clamping down on this but as yet so far cant actually prove any of it..............................

FYI I have reported many things on Ebay and as yet to this day not one has been taken down,

To Be Continued...........................

I think that's blatantly obvious what's going on with regards to the UK vendors with clones and 1:1's advertised and PayPal no real need to expand on it as it's self explanatory.

To be continued? Nah its not bloody Star Wars
Nowt more to say in this thread really that hasn't be said by others.
So your personal price break point is £70 ish ?
I notice you mentioned the mor crann also. A mod I saved for and purchased as it is hand crafted by a bloke on a lathe the threads are not perfect and there is a void in the brass inner tube
I love it and will never sell it on be cause of these things and not despite them
Is that elitist ?
Perhaps it is by some peoples definition
I call it appreciating craftsmanship

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes

£70ish for an atty, yes. The Morr Cran is a delightful bit of craftmanship made by a bloke in his shed and deserving of the price point which I would also accept as reasonable. Whether the wife would is another story lol.

The subject of this thread, however, is something designed and then shipped out for CNC work to be done, so that is not craftmanship. Good design, yes maybe, craftmanship no.
I've only had the Rose for 6 days and I make no claim to be an expert builder, but I'm thoroughly underwhelmed with it.

Putting the same juice in a Spheroid, Heron, Russian and Aerotank, in terms of vapour and flavour comparison the Rose comes last. I expected so much more from the hype, the build quality of the clone is very good indeed, so it all reinforces a policy of try (clone) before you buy (original). I would feel pretty gutted if I'd spent more than the £23 that I did.

Maybe it'll come good yet. The Russian 91% took weeks of fettling and a set of authentic KFL+ o-rings before it really started to perform. Same kind of story with the Heron. Maybe microcoil and cotton is not the best set up for the Rose, not for me anyway.

The learning process is part of the fun, which is why this site is fun. Just a shame that all this clone banter gets some people's knackers in a twist.
I think that's blatantly obvious what's going on with regards to the UK vendors with clones and 1:1's advertised and PayPal no real need to expand on it as it's self explanatory.

To be continued? Nah its not bloody Star Wars
Nowt more to say in this thread really that hasn't be said by others.

Clones may be stopped being sold in the UK but this will not be anything to do with Paypal I can assure you.

If it does happen it will be between the original maker and the reseller and a legal battle.

But every manufacturer will have to contact each independent reseller one at a time, start with a genuine letter requesting removal of said products from website within a time frame and if the reseller doesn’t play ball then proceed with legal action.

Do you know how much this venture would cost?
Taking that many resellers through court?

If they win, that is one clone taken out from UK resellers.
Each reseller has an arsenal of clones, RBAs, RDAs, mechs, boxes, you name it and they are there.

So now think ludicrously, say every genuine manufacture, managed to restrict UK businesses from selling clones.

Then you have dozens of people importing from China and selling through eBay, Facebook, Gumtree, Amazon and other forums.

Clones are here to stay, I would bet my bollocks on it.
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