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Sad News for us NET Fans.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Just read the sad news that Juice Cabin is going to shut up shop. :(
The GOOD News is that Ian is negotiating with other NET Manufacturers, so hopefully the Juice Cabin favourites will find a new home
That's a real shame, they've been one of the best NET makers for a long time. :(
Hi All

I have a few irons in the fire with the Simply Leaf stuff so hopefully that'll get a new home somewhere. I think with some of the proposed changes that might be in the pipeline about 'tobacco only' flavourings being on the cards that's garnered some interest there especially since it's an already established brand. If any other manufacturers fancy stepping in NETs give me a shout :D

Wasn't an easy decision to make but the market is changing very quickly and the costs of everything have gone up - it was an adapt or die scenario and we had big plans to adapt but with Liam leaving I simply don't have time to run it all on my own.

Thanks all for your kind words and support though.

Devastating news. Their NET's and NET hybrids are pretty much all I've vaped for the past couple of years. I sincerely hope they are successful in finding someone to pick up the Simply Leaf brand and recipes.
I've stuck an order in for 120ml of peanacco and tobilla 2. concentrates...just to be safe meantime
I’ve never even tried NET or this range, what am I missing?
Quite a bit actually, if you like tobacco flavors :D

And @ZT was right when he said that the classic NETs are coil killers… That’s right, they do not just require rewicking after as little as one tank, but they destroy your coils quicker as well :21:

However, that’s the traditional macerated NETs. There are more and more companies producing distilled or extracted NETs that are much kinder on your coils. Even though these distillates have never quite reached the level of flavor as the classic, it is getting better and better. I’ve really enjoyed the new La Tabaccheria Extra Dry Perique juice I picked up in France, and it’s just normal rewicking :2thumbsup:
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