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Serious question... How can people be so stoopid?

i found it weird that epstein was even mentioned in the context of the coronavirus hoax conspiracy. the protest wasn’t an anti pedo protest, unless you somehow connect pedos with the coronavirus hoax, which the ickers apparently do, mind.

i see that the protest against the fascist tyranny attracted some fascists too.

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Ah is that what that flag is? I did wonder.

I think the link to Epstein is due to him being provably linked to the "political class", for want of a better term, who are the ones responsible for lockdown, mask wearing etc. So that at least feeds in to the "westminster pedo" ring and beyond
That's David Icke's MO, connect the dots to everything, reveal the tangled web. I don't think he sees anything in isolation it's all part of the same conspiracy against humanity.

From Light bulbs to Princess Diana.

.... that video has been taken down now.

here you go, Zou... what do you think of this?

That's David Icke's MO, connect the dots to everything, reveal the tangled web. I don't think he sees anything in isolation it's all part of the same conspiracy against humanity.

From Light bulbs to Princess Diana.

.... that video has been taken down now.

aye, he’s barred from youtube, remember? silenced again by the lizards :D

edit: i had a look at his wiipedia
page, didn’t realise he had stood for
parliament in 2008.
aye, he’s barred from youtube, remember? silenced again by the lizards :D

edit: i had a look at his wiipedia
page, didn’t realise he had stood for
parliament in 2008.
I remember he ran against David Davies for some reason. Something like freedom of speech or data protection?
He was also in the Green party in the '80s til they *ahem* parted way.
his wikipedia page is interesting, i have no doubt he’s as dodgy as fuck after reading it. flirting with holocaust denial, protocols of zion etc. no wonder the neo nazis love him. i think he is quite a dangerous character, drawing otherwise harmless people into this sort of shite. it’s no wonder youtube cancelled him.
hmm, it seems corbyn got arrested and a 10k fine.

I may be going out on a massive limb here, I have not read any of the comments in this thread, just the post title, to judge what the consensus of opinion is, but I can only base my opinion on what I see around me. I will start by stating that I don't deny this virus, its a real thing and it is detrimentally affecting people, but on the flip side I must not be the only one in the population that doesn't know anyone who has been seriously impacted health-wise by Covid-19, that's not to say that over the last few months I haven't come into contact with someone, myself included, who may have asymptomatically contracted the virus. I also don't discount that those asymptomatic sufferers, could pass it onto people who could then develop complications, but can this not be said of a whole load of other viruses that have been present in the population for years, one's that have not caused such a draconian response?
It's that precise draconian reaction that is causing ME the greatest apprehensions, as a father to school-age children (which I'm sure a lot of us are) I genuinely worry about the world they are entering, having already missed a substantial chunk of their education, the social isolations issues of being locked down, and with the foreseeable future shaping up to consist of measures in our schools and places of learning that won't be conducive with a stable educational environment.
I find that more and more, I'm encountering people who were previously employed in stable, prosperous jobs at the start of 2020, who have now lost their livelihoods, through no other cause than the restrictions put in place, the loss of a job is just the start, it too can have catastrophic health implications caused by all the socio-economic issues it brings, that then lead to the chain of dominoes, that is the structure of communities, to fall which the lead to upsurges in crime and poverty.
I like to think I am usually an upbeat and optimistic kind of person, but even I am finding it hard to instill in my children the notion that the world they are coming into, is world that will be worth inheriting.
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