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Shaking during steeping


Feb 2, 2016
Hi all,

I just wanted to get some collective advice regarding shaking liquids when they are steeping. So say you've knocked up a batch of juice and you want it to steep for 2 weeks, how many times during this period would you shake it and let it breathe?
I do a lot of shaking whenever it occurs to me over the first few days.
I do not do the breathing thing or the whisking lots of air into it thing.
My mixes are all baccy or baccy plus other stuff and for my tastes they do not require much steeping, a few days to a week.
After the initial mix, I breathe once (except strawberry juice as it tends to mute the flavour) for between 12 and 24 hours - the longer period for complex deserts and custards. and then just leave it. but I do keep my steep box on top of the washing machine so it gets jiggled with every cycle :)
Over the first week I shake twice a day. Second week once a day. No idea why or if it's the done thing, just feels right.
I don't leave the bottles open to breathe but I do squeeze the air out of them to let new air in then shake to get new air bubbles into the mix every day or two for the first week.
It's so interesting to see everyone has their own technique to steeping! I've generally been shaking when I get home from work and then letting each bottle breathe for an hour or so until all the air bubbles are gone.
The batch I've just made, I've only shaken it the first two days and I'm going to let them steep without taking the lid off a two for two weeks to see if there's a difference.

So oldhippydude, when you shake the juice up do you not let the bubbles that have been created drain by removing the lid?

Kermit I love the washing machine idea. I have a tumble dryer in my garage maybe I'll give that a whirl (excuse the pun) as it's nice and cool in there as well...

Another quick couple of questions... Do you steep your liquids with the cap off? Also what kind of temperature do you steep them at? I just have mine in my drawer...
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I tend to shake in anticipation over the first few days.
Actually, I tend to stick them in the dark a few days to a few weeks (depending on patience levels) and then leave the top off for a while before topping off the tank
Mix, shake, let it stand ... I might shake again during the maturation period but I suspect it's out of boredom rather than necessity. As the creator you sometimes feel the need to interact with your mix so if it soothes the soul, why not?
I don't breathe my mixes at all though of course the air will get changed if I'm giving a new recipe a sniff.
Mix, shake and stick on the cupboard. I'll give them a good shake for the first couple of days then just forget.
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