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Full setup -
Igo W3, 4 wraps of 0.27 kanthal quad coiled on 2x3mm silica running at around 0.3ohms... That's with dead coils... One of them's taking ages to heat up at all :(
18650VCT4 30 amps
Launcher v2 clone
And 70/30 VG/PG Juice :)

I'm a strange one, if I want to do a micro coil, I can wrap it directly onto the silica...
Raguri See I've managed to wrap a microcoil around some .32 kanthal after watching one of riptrippers videos so I'd figure I'd be fine wrapping straight onto silica like you do, my big clumsy fingers always seem to get in the way though :/

I've got some 100% VG maple waffle juice I wanna try to see if it's a noticeable cloud increase, because Liberty Flights don't label what PG/VG ratio their Roar range is.. But it seems I steeped the maple waffle for too long and it's developed a weird syrupy curry taste, literally makes me wanna hurl man so I've not dared to try it out yet lol
@Raguri See I've managed to wrap a microcoil around some .32 kanthal after watching one of riptrippers videos so I'd figure I'd be fine wrapping straight onto silica like you do, my big clumsy fingers always seem to get in the way though :/

I've got some 100% VG maple waffle juice I wanna try to see if it's a noticeable cloud increase, because Liberty Flights don't label what PG/VG ratio their Roar range is.. But it seems I steeped the maple waffle for too long and it's developed a weird syrupy curry taste, literally makes me wanna hurl man so I've not dared to try it out yet lol

Maple does that, I love the stuff, But I can't vape it... It's a strange one. It's nice when you first get it, then BAM, Instant crappy taste. :(
Top tip for wrapping micro-coils on silica - Keep the legs long! Then hold it AWAY from the silica...
Hard to explain really, I don't even know how I do it :P
Raguri Nice bloody clouds mate! SWEET!! It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago you were a noob, now you'd give the best of the cloud chasers a run for their money! Well done mate!
@Raguri Nice bloody clouds mate! SWEET!! It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago you were a noob, now you'd give the best of the cloud chasers a run for their money! Well done mate!

Why thank you sir :D

I'm going to go lower, I can still take the heat on this setup, so I guess I can... ;)

Now... if only I can remember who had that 0.4something Kanthal they said I could have :(
<-----Anxiously waiting for his W3 arriving today,then I'll be sat learning new swearwords while I build a quad-coiled mofo_Only issue then is finding out just how shit the Kylin slow-tech mech is. :P
The kylins not bad apparently. And, top tip for the w3, well... two. One. Bend the wires up when you get then throufh the post. And two. Do bit over tighten the screws or youll cut the kanthal
The kylins not bad apparently. And, top tip for the w3, well... two. One. Bend the wires up when you get then throufh the post. And two. Do bit over tighten the screws or youll cut the kanthal

i take it you found that out the hard way like me with lots of frustration and swearywords
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