hahaha! We want videos!
Okay, I want videos

I must admit, I used to think it was bloody stupid when I first started off, then I tried it, and it all went to pot from then on!

So far, I've melted 4 insulators, burned myself 4 times by not letting the coil cool off enough, or from over-dripping and getting boiling eliquid over my hand...
But, is it worth it? Yep yep!
Lol. I might put some vids on soon. Just waiting for my purple 30 amp efest thingy batteries to turn up to see what else I can blow. Early days as a cloud chaser, but I'm getting there.
That was with:
0.35 ohm ribbon coil 'tin man' style.
90/10 VG/PG liquid
30 Amp battery
Launcher v2 clone
Double cross.
Currently have batteries on charge for an experimental ~0.2ohms build...