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Nice clouds man what gage wire do u use also did u ever see those video links I posted

I did indeed. And I am keeping this setup secret. As I do not want people to try it, Fuck up, and kill their mods, and burn their hands. It took me 2 meters of wire to get to this setup, and its borderline insane. Therefore, I do not want to be held responsible for people's health if they try it and mess up.

But indeed I did, not bad :)
I did indeed. And I am keeping this setup secret. As I do not want people to try it, Fuck up, and kill their mods, and burn their hands. It took me 2 meters of wire to get to this setup, and its borderline insane. Therefore, I do not want to be held responsible for people's health if they try it and mess up.

But indeed I did, not bad :)

Ok ya that's kool ya I'm bout to order 22g wire on eBay 100ft for $10 great price to me
O and hit my friends that is .06ohms and it hits like a dragon it's great that's y I'm going to 22g even tho he uses 20g

Why the Fuck people build so low I will never know. As I said before. That's just dangerous. Have you asked him what batteries he's using yet?
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