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Siam Mods Murano Glass Style Drip Tips



I was pretty shocked when I got my order from Alba Vapours today (it was here with me within 24 hour of order, again!)

Siam Mods is here helping finish up the Cobra orders and he sent along these 5 drip tips plus the adapter (which I didn't take a pic of) I was told no one else in the world has these yet, so I feel kinda special!


The detail on the little flower is superb!

This is lovely pink with a slight hint of purple in the base. Very girly! it totally reminds me of JUPITER!


This one is actually a lovely dark evergreen colour and the gold swirl makes it very Christmasy or St Paddy's Day feeling :)

The glass tips are bit bigger than the standard drip tips you are used to. They feel nice, cool and very comfortable. They also feel very sturdy like they wont break very easily.

A+ again from Siam and I don't know which ones he will put up for sale, but they are gorgeous!
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Without the flash, the drip tip is closer to the color of the bottom tank. Looks lovely! Also remember the bottom tank is full of juice!
PS These are just samples and not "finished product"
Them's some nice tips! I like the red candy cane one. I know you say they seem pretty tough but still be careful. You dont want to do what she does...

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If you want someone to help test the samples that red swirly one is gorgeous ;)
Wouldn't mind the blue one to go with my blue tank. Btw quick while we are on siam stuff, do they do a red glass tank?
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