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Signature sq silver insert


Feb 8, 2019
I am finding the insert/bar is having a tendancy to cut a groove into the brass 510 plate over time. I suspect that the odd bit of juice is probably the issue, but squonking is what squonking is

And that effects the contact, a lot if I let it get bad
So every few months I need to wet and dry the groove out of the plate and take the scorched end down a touch on the silver bar.

Obviously can't go on forever, won't be anything left.

So I was thinking of replacing the bar, but instead of having the end of the silver bar (area 10mm x 0.5-1mm) contacting to "roll"the end (but square not round) to provide a greater contact area. Will this create (more)voltage drop?

Also easier to get hold of copper and cheaper, having read something mooch wrote about which metal for tube mods he was saying its negligible, which made me think perhaps so is this strip, especially if the 510 plate is brass, which I believe it is
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