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Single coil RDA?

MTB Vaper

Jan 3, 2024
Looking for recommendations and options for a single coil RDA, from watching YT videos the Nitrous with single coil cap looks good, the Dead Rabbit Solo looks good aswell. I've got a QP Nio which I love for RDTA low power builds on the squonker, want something with more umpht on a normal mod.

RDA' I already have below.
Asgard mini - awesome no need for another dual coil.
Nio - low power squonkin attie
Beserker V1 - MTL squonking attie.
Also interested in the Samdwich but not sure if you can still buy it anywhere.
Apart from the DR Solo another alternative I think is worth considering is the Wotofo Recurve v2. It's a 24mm RDA which can be used in single or dual coil mode. They provide two different internal airflow adaptors, one for single coil and the other for dual coil mode so I think it will offer more options for you to try different coil configurations and also a bit extra umph compared to the DR Solo. The thing that I think makes it better than the Dead Rabbit v3 is that the airflow insert brings the airflow holes closer and surrounds the coil in a similar way to the Solo which helps to greatly slow down the formation of gunk and help the flavour perform better for longer. The DR 3 on the other hand is just a big open chamber and seems to be a bit of a gunk magnet.
I have a couple of the DR Solo and Nitrous and to tell the truth they dont get used much because they are nowhere near as flavoursome as as dual coil, and I dont detect any difference between the performance.
If you`re looking for a single coil atty because you have a single cell squonker you could consider using a dual flatwire coil in a dual coil atty to save on battery drain. It`s just my opinion but I find the best flavour comes from a dual multi strand coil atty which is better than a dual flatwire coil atty followed by a single multi strand coil atty.
NUBO its 22mm but not cheep but not stupid. Very good indeed.....
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