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Smok V8 X-Baby Q2 Coils Burning Out

DC Mills

New Member
May 24, 2020
Good evening and thank you for having me.
I have recently found issues with the above coils burning out really quickly, like maybe after a day or 2 of use.
I thought it was an issue with my mod, so got a new Aegis solo, same thing happening. I DO use sweet flavours, but everything had been fine until about 3 weeks ago & now am going through coils like nobody's business.
Even changed my brand of juice, still the same. (70/30)
Anyone else finding the same? Has the quality of the coils dropped dramatically?
Oh I am usually vaping at about 40.
Thanks in advance folks.
Update. I invested in a Geek Vape tank that has mesh coils, it arrived today. So far, so good.
Hello and welcome to PoTV. I have heard that Smok quality isn't what it used to be. Some of the things that can adversely affect coil life are sweet juices, not being broke in properly, and thick ejuice. I personally haven't vaped anything except unflavored 60pg/40vg juice for the last couple of years. Granted, I am using an RTA and with changing the wick after a couple of weeks, but my DIY coils seem to last forever. When I was using stock coils I was taught to prime a new coil by dripping juice into the top of the coil and also on any exposed cotton. Then after installing the coil to fill the tank and let it sit for a few minutes. Having a second ecig is a big help here so you don't rush it. Then take a few hits off of the tank without using any power. When you are finally ready to use the ecig, lower the wattage, and slowly increase the watts a little at a time until you reach your desired wattage.
My Smok coils only lasted around 2-3 days. Although the flavour was great for those days, got fed up with the expense of 3 coils per week.
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