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Solub Arome anyone?


Staff member
Mar 19, 2018
Anyone tried any Solub Arome concentrates? They seem to be the same sort of strength as TPA stuff ie high percentages are needed, but they are only £1ish per 10ml

I've had a go at

Fruits of the Woods - which is very nice, basic mixed fruit but its more of a raspberry (to me) and nowhere near as sweet as FA's Forrest Fruits (sic)

Gambhyt - which is a clone of Five Pawns something something. Its allegedly Apple,Custard, Vanilla & Caramel but I get Sweet, Sweet, Sweet & Sweet.

Anyone tried any others? I don't know if they are new or not, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of info about
Unfortunately not even heard of them...I do like trying new eliquids so may take a look.
They're not new and not that strong either.
Been a long time since I've used any so can't even remember which ones I've tried tbh.
Think it was fruity ones which seemed to fade too quick for me.

Theecigshop have some on clearance if you like them.

yeah them and Vapable are selling them cheap (although Vapable have just got them). Thats the reason I thought I'd give them a go. I'm basically a skintflint :18:
yeah them and Vapable are selling them cheap (although Vapable have just got them). Thats the reason I thought I'd give them a go. I'm basically a skintflint :18:
Tbh bud I'd pay a few more pence and go with TFA as they are quite a bit stronger.
Tried the breakfast and ok ish. I don't see many recipes using their concentrates so I've always assumed they ain't that good
I'm always up for something new, but these don't have a great reputation and the big 4 just about satisfy my needs.

Of course, every brand has at least a couple of outstanding flavours so I would be interested if anyone has some recommendations.
The doughnut is good, usually at 5% for me. Rhubarb, strong stuff, at 2 or 3%. breakfast v1, toast, vanilla custard. Their cigarillo is abhorrent, the panettone was nice but unvapable - full of oil.
I seem to remember a discussion on here 3/4 years ago where someone found quite a few of their concentrates contained oils and other non water soluble stuff. Put me off using them. I think the discussion was on here, if not it would have been UKV or AAEC.
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