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Soubry: incompetent or conflicted?




…or, shock horror, even both?
Whilst it is certainly true that during her stellar performance in front of the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee she revealed herself to be awareness challenged with regard to her ministerial portfolio, Public Health Minister Anna Soubry also revealed insights into what may be her own personal agenda. It’s all a matter of joining the dots.
In the states didnt the supreme court just overrule a judgement and ruled that people cant sue a pharma company over side effects of their product which resulted in death??
I do believe that's correct. We wouldn't want big pharma companies to have to suffer consequences for any harm done to us little folk. I'm thankful for some of the medicine out there but if it kills someone then there should be a consequence for it!
I'm sure that no money was involved to persuade that ruling though...lol

They better leave the Ecig industry alone or there will be trouble in the land, along with a few other issues our country is faced with.

If I had some Huckleberry jam I'd share some with you...lol

After watching the video of her performance, I conclude that she believes her position offers her carte blanche on decision making... the way she pouts and mutters under her breath when the legitimacy of her decision is questioned just seems to demonstrate her sense of entitlement.

Her legacy will be to be remembered as one of the greedy, corrupt, ill informed idiots that tried to condemn millions of people to an early death on a point of superfluous principle... that, and probably a nice fat cheque into her swiss bank account by her corrupt lobbying paymasters.
I recently raised the issue of Anna Soubry's conduct in an email to my MP, Mark Harper. Today I received a letter from him in which he states;

"Thank you for your email regarding electronic cigarettes (e-cigs). As a result I have written to the Minister responsible for this policy area at the Department of Health, Anna Soubry MP, to make her aware of your concerns. I will, of course, write to you again, once I have received a reply."

If we ever get a reply I'll post it here.
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