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Starting with Drippers?

What is the best?

  • RDA

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Sub Ohm Tank

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
Thanks for the replies dudes! I ended up ordering an RDA and sticking with my mods (Ordered a new mod just in case) also bought some pre-made coils at 0.5 just so i can get used to which post goes into where and what not. then its onto building myself as anyone vaper knows its better to be safe than sorry. :D

Cool. Just remember dual coils will be half the tree resistance of a single coil and you'll be fine.
So my new what I call RDA setup is made of:
Koopor Plus 200
Mad Hatter RDA V2
Clapton Coils (Pre-Made)

Any tips?
for wicking id look into japanese cotton and look up the scotch roll wicking on youtube, holds a tonne of juice which is what you want with claptons so your not dripping every hit
So my new what I call RDA setup is made of:
Koopor Plus 200
Mad Hatter RDA V2
Clapton Coils (Pre-Made)

Any tips?
I have found that using too much cotton makes it difficult for the juice to get to the coil resulting in dry hits. Using too little cotton can lead to flooding and leaking but that is an easy clean up as opposed to coughing your brains out. Find some good videos to watch on youtube and practice. A big bag of organic cotton can be had for a reasonable price on ebay. I got mine from Japan but I'm sure you are anxious to get some from your local shop which is understandable.
Congrats on wanting to move onto RDA's, I remember my getting my first (Velocity clone) and wondering what to do with it.

First of all, start off with the basics, use your regulated devices to begin with so you can learn how to build coils and how roughly each one will Ohm out.

Once your confident you can build, get yourself an ohm meter and an inline volt meter for mech mods. These are a mandatory for safety. Once you've done that, learn ohms law inside and out otherwise you may have an unexpected trip to the hospital at some point. I found the best video is but make sure you watch a few to get your eye in.

Remember to always respect your mod and especially the batteries inside it. Always start with a single 18650 so you know what you're dealing with. Dual, triple, parallel batteries etc are completely different
If I wasn't so lazy I would use drippers exclusively, I build them the same as my rtas, about 1.1-1.4ohm and vape them at low watts, for that most of them are single coil jobbies that allow a tight draw.
But I am lazy, maybe in a few more years when I get lazier, but as my weapons of choice (Taifuns, Kayfuns, pico's) are leak free and tasty I'm too lazy to adapt.
If I wasn't so lazy I would use drippers exclusively, I build them the same as my rtas, about 1.1-1.4ohm and vape them at low watts, for that most of them are single coil jobbies that allow a tight draw.
But I am lazy, maybe in a few more years when I get lazier, but as my weapons of choice (Taifuns, Kayfuns, pico's) are leak free and tasty I'm too lazy to adapt.
I'm getting the impression your a lazy motherlicker moley :D
Thats what made me want the cricket tbh haha. Yeah the Ohms law which is ohms vs amps and batteries etc right? Is the difference between Mech and Regulated taht the mech your guessing whats through it? is that why it can be dangerous? Sorry new to all of this

There should be no guessing involved. Check everything 3 times at least whether its a mech or a reg device.

Biggest advantage of a reg over a mech, apart from the safety features - which if clued up and work to method theres every chance you'll never need is that if the build you planned isn't giving you the vape you wanted at least you can bump it up or down and give it a chance to work at something other that 4.2/8.4 ish.

As a new builder avoid the cricket like the plague - its just more stuff for you to deal with at this point, stuff that leaves seasoned builders having to rethink their game plan.

Whatever you do make sure its fun, not frustrating.
So my new what I call RDA setup is made of:
Koopor Plus 200
Mad Hatter RDA V2
Clapton Coils (Pre-Made)

Any tips?
Get an ohm reader....
Cotton should go through the coil with some tension but not too much... if you see the piece feeding through the coil bunch up at the choke point, its too thick..
I like to have just the tips of the cotton touch the well, i see some people line the well with cotton, i dont see the point in that, it kills airflow.
Dry fire coils to check for hot spots or hot legs. Hot legs are fixed by tightening post screws. Hot spots are fixed by lightly brushing the coil with your tool.
Avoid touching coils with tools while firing, unless you have ceramic tweezers.
Check ohms in reader without cap and then with the cap, make sure your coils fit in your deck without touching the cap, the deck, the posts, or anything...
I agree with the cricket not being the first device to use rebuildables on. While im not a fan of pussying out and the dangers of that device will still be there even after you build a million times on a regulated device, id still opt against using it for the time being... hybrid devices seem to be the leading cause of idiot vapers losing or burning parts of their face and hands.
Im not from uk or europe or whatever so i dont know where you guys buy reputable batteries at, but where ever it is buy them there. Dont buy batteries on amazon or ebay, dont cheap out on batteries. You can buy shitty clones all day but skimping out to save a few bucks on batteries is the worst thing you can do... also dont buy rewraps... buy authentics.
Those are all my recommendations.
Have fun, welcome to the better side of vaping. Rdas give better flavor than any tank could, no matter what bullshit people will tell ya.
Thank you to all of you guys for your comments and advice. ended up running dual claptons at 0.25 on the mad hatter and it works a treat!
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