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Steamcrave Squonk Mod + Modded Narda Clone for BF


Dec 12, 2012
Originally bought from here: LINK

as part of a package - Can be had on it's own as a mod from here: LINK

I have put a clone of a NARDA Dripper from here: LINK

I have modded the narda with a stainless screw to convert to bottom feed - see the attached photos:

Would cost you approx £70.00 in equipment and then the additional modding.. comes with spares and a spare bottle too..

Looking for £56 posted recorded in the UK

Cheers :)

squonk-box-narda01.jpg squonk-box-narda02.jpg



squonk-box-narda05.jpg squonk-box-narda06.jpg

squonk-box-narda07.jpg squonk-box-narda08.jpg
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Do you have another modded narda pin ? I have a hobo rda and the narda pin would fit it , can't get one in the uk :/
Nope - I got hold of some stainless threaded Allen bolts and had to mod them myself - drilling through the bore takes some doing and is about 25% success rate - then you have to grind down the cap heads height and diameter to get it to fit so it takes a while to do.. :)
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