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Still barely any sleep :(


Dec 25, 2013
Only been vaping for 1 week and one day, went str8 from fags to vaping haven't touched a fag since I purchased my first e-cig, but only able to sleep for 2-3 hours per night, I'm knackered but can't rest, I have been told this is not uncommon once u quit the stinkies but I really wish my sleep pattern wud get back to normal :(
when u go sleep have your vapor next to you , vape b4 sleep and if u wake up have a vape , its just your body ajusting to the way you are taking on nic and your body is gettig rid of stinkie crud xxxx
You'll get back to a "Normal" sleep pattern soon enough, It's your body getting rid of all the toxins that have built up over a long smoking career....I was the same for a couple of weeks then it cleared up....I now sleep like a baby (no I don't mean pissing and pooing myself :))....I sleep like a log, but I don't seem to be as tired as I used to be, I'm more alert during the day as well....Just give it a bit of time...
Since stopping the fags I feel as ifbi dont need as much sleep!

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My sleep patterns were already screwed up,years of eating when hungry,sleeping when tired meant I was already on "night shift" Then the meds were knocking me to feck trying to take control of my depression,then the pain-killers joined in kicking my head in so that turning on a TV would send me to sleep,yet lying in a bed would result in me starting awake(if I could ever actually sleep)the instant my head hit the pillows.I now accept that I'm going to wake up as soon as it strikes midnight and am considering installing a TV in the bedroom just to guarantee I'll sleep through night. :rofl:
I had this exact same problem and posted about it too, but as the others said it does pass after about two weeks. It's all the chemicals leaving your system, vaping or not this is a problem most people experience when quitting the fags whether you use aids or go cold turkey. It can be a real struggle at times but stick with it, I promise it does get better. Congrats on quitting the stinkies too!!
Thanks all, I'm finding this site very useful, thank you for all your advice and opinions x
Try not to get to worked up about not sleeping as that will also cause you problems.
Avoid caffine before bedtime ;)

If you are up and logged on there will be a stack of others here to keep you company :D
Chegs i know where you are coming from, but the tv dont do it for me :(
A light carb snack (such as toast & jam) 30-60 mins before bed. A maths/number puzzle in bed. Don't worry about not sleeping. If you find yourself still awake after about 30-45 mins, get up, have a warm caffeine-free drink, do something else for a bit & go back to bed when you feel tired enough

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I Had problems with sleeping which is unusual for me, I got some Herbal Sleeping Tablets off a Mate and they worked a treat!!! Unfortunately I can't remember the name of them!!!:doh:
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