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Struggling with setups Taifun-Kayfun


Dec 1, 2013
Hey guys and girls,

Im new to these parts im hoping someone here can help me as im struggling like a bugger with setting up my atties. This might be long winded, im sorry in advance for that.

First up is a Genuine KFL+ not the new revised version, been having this problem for a month or so - no matter what i do with it, it never has flavour, runs dry or generally rips my throat apart with a nasty peppery feeling.
Ive tried silica but i suspect my silica is not good stuff, as it tastes warm and funky, after 2 days it goes (3 tanks) but the flavour is not there - 2x3mm with a .25 kanthal coil around 4/5 wraps on a mech - about 1mm off the airhole (1mm drillbit fits under it) Juice channels not blocked can see bubbles. Silica is preflamed as is the kanthal.
Cotton - is very much the same as silica, which is odd considering my drippers work to a point. 2mm micro coil, .32 kanthal 28awg, 8 wraps for about 1.3 ohm, again on a mech, enough cotton to slide through with some resistane and cut short of the deck, again 1mm off the airhole, tried 2mm off it and no change (1&2mm drillbits fit under it)
Cotton Yarn, pretty much the same silica, tastes really odd, like sucking a tshirt sort of. Boiled and dried.

Next is my Taifun GT clone from vapegeek, figured id try this, as most people say its easy and flavour is up there with the best not from my experience so far.
First i had to mess with the orings to get them tight, not an issue so, setup like a real taifun would - 3x2mm silica, .2 kanthal forget the wraps, was around 1.4ohm and it tastes just like the kayfun, horrid as heck. Silica is preflamed as is the kanthal.
Cotton - following the guides ive seen, was a mess, flood/leaking, dry hits and generally worse than the kayfun, 3mm microcoil this time 7 wraps forget the ohms was low, same cotton principle as the kayfun, made sure it blocked the holes, even tried a flavour wick ontop no change.
Mesh - well lets say that was a complete write off and wont try that again.
Cotton Yarn, pretty much the same silica, and the description for the kayfun is the same here.

Oh also the taifun has now developed a leak from the 510 connection, sigh.

Im losing the plot, going through maybe 8-10 coils a day trying to get one working, so much wasted juice, as eventually i give in and just vape whatever is there to get the nic hit, even if it tastes god awful - i regret to say that i slipped last couple of days and gone to smoking baccy again.
I get this is a wall of text and im sorry for that, i dont know where else to turn to :( any help or yet any other videos to watch would be much appreciated, although ive watched pretty much all of them, andrews m3 coil video, todds cotton builds and silica, riptrippers bonkers videos, various other ones dotted on youtube plus a bunch of german ones.
Hi there @KnightStalker , I feel your frustration! Everyone has their own particular set ups for both the kayfuns and the taifuns, but something that is unique to both, is that they are simple devices that work best with simple set ups. Second thing that is unique to both, is assembly, those damn seals and o-rings have just got to be perfect and seated correctly.
Simple set ups worth trying are - Take a few deep breaths, get yourself comfortable, calm, and relaxed -
Taifun - easy peasy few wraps over 3mm silica or ekowool/voodoowool, assemble so that coil and wick is dead on line with the slots, trim wicks to within 0.5mm of the outside of the slotted shroud. You may or may not need to add a small piece of additional wick on top of the coil (I never have,but some folks do). Complete the assembly, fill, and vape.
Kayfun - easy peasy few wraps over a doubled piece of 2mm silica, forget about fussing about where they sit over the juice channels, just fit the wrapped coil, shove the wicks up the assembled chimney, trim off excess wick, again to about 0.5mm above the chimney. Gently poke the wicks down to the deck, one to the right, one to the left. Assemble the rest of the kayfun, fill, and vape.
A ps about the kayfun that you have - Have a quick look at the machining of the juice channels just to check that there are no burrs or swarf remnants restricting the juice flow.

Once those two simple simon setups work for you (which they will) get adventurous and do whatever you fancy. Confidence is 90% of the whole thing, imo.

Good Luck!
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Question about Taifun: My build was similar to KnightStalkers setup, except after I was done it began to leak at the air hole. I re adjusted the cap and now the air flow is very tight... I hate the draw. What is causing this?
Question about Taifun: My build was similar to KnightStalkers setup, except after I was done it began to leak at the air hole. I re adjusted the cap and now the air flow is very tight... I hate the draw. What is causing this?

Unless the wicks and top cap, when combined, are sealing the 'wick slots', these little devils can leak. Cotton expands when wet with juice, so, using cotton can help, using silica/ekowool of no less than 3mm, will also help. Raising the coil a smidgin more above the air tube can also help. ( I don't know why, but it does seem to help)
Kayfun... I've thrown mine into a locked box and chucked it off the deck of a ferry crossing to Zeebrugge. Tried everything and it still leaked. Yeah, I know there are fans and it's not the done thing to criticise a Kayfun in some circles... but bah, humbug and fartnips.

The Taifun GT though... is my favourite atomiser at present... and I've been lucky not to have leaked a drop. Not one.

Unless you've got a duff one, in which case, empathy attack... I have a suggestion...

Check it out as much as you can... threads, o-rings... take it apart and give it as good a clean as you can... sonic, miltons bath, warm soapy water, whatever you have to hand. Rinse and dry everything thoroughly... blow through the deck and inspect it.

If you're as happy as you can be that there are no burrs, dust, particles and globules of anything... foreign... try this setup as a wick.

Note... the coil shown is 6 turns around a 2.5mm former with .30 kanthal, microcoiled. The wick materials are those from Hobbycraft (Cotton Yarn and Cotton Lace).

Pic 1 shows the two cotton wick types. Lay a single piece of yarn atop a length of lace and thread through the wick.

Pic 2 shows the wick and coil connected to the deck and arranged ready for dampening with juice.

Pic 3 shows the assembly and resistance. I generally aim to be able to use this on a vv/vw mod, so something close to, but above, 1.3ohms.

Pic 4 shows the tank filled (with homemade chocolate orange, yumsville) and how the wick looks, ready to vape.

Wow... never thought of raiding my wife's knitting bag. Looks like there might be a shortage of yarn at our house. I think she might get suspicious if i say "Hey hun, let's go to the craft store! It's just a game that I can watch later on the DVR." She'll think I've lost my "F"ing mind. As far as the Taifun is concerned, the GT is an original. The GS however, is a clone. It's a good clone but a clone none the less. I'm wondering what that lace is that your using to wrap the yarn with? Where did you get it and what else would it be called if I look for it in the stores?
Also, what are you using to wrap that coil? Looks rather large.
@ KnightStalker
Sounds like your wicks are being strangled therefore your getting dry hits
If you can get some photos of your atties , we can better tell what the problem is

Had a similar issue, I found the oring on the chimmey had somehow "shrunk" so juice was leaking into the deck
and out of the airhole. A new oring sorted that out
@ KnightStalker
Sounds like your wicks are being strangled therefore your getting dry hits
If you can get some photos of your atties , we can better tell what the problem is

Had a similar issue, I found the oring on the chimmey had somehow "shrunk" so juice was leaking into the deck
and out of the airhole. A new oring sorted that out

Did you change up the thickness or just ring size?
Wow... never thought of raiding my wife's knitting bag. Looks like there might be a shortage of yarn. I think she might get suspicious if i say "Hey hun, let's go to the craft store! It's just a game that I can watch later on the DVR." She'll think I've lost my "F"ing mind. As far as the Taifun is concerned, the GT is an original. The GS however, is a clone. It's a good clone but a clone none the less. I'm wondering what that lace is that your using to wrap the yarn with? Where did you get it and what else would it be called if I look for it in the stores?

Can't claim to have discovered the Hobbycraft yarn... it was mentioned by the VTTV team some time back... but I wick every bloody thing with those two, alone or in some combination. The lace is such a good wicker that it works perfectly even in a genesis... I have a Kraken dual-coiled with that lace just dipping on down into the tank and though it's anti-gravity... seriously... it works and beats the pants off mesh, for me anyways.

I did link the items in my post (in the parentheses), so you can get the full details from the Hobbycraft site.

My GT is a clone, too... and never had a problem with it.

By the way... just for inspection... have a look at the wick gap before you put wick in... put the top cap on the deck and see how small the two wick apertures are. The advantage of these wicking materials is a) they don't block the holes and yet b) they don't allow liquid through to flood the deck chamber. If you find the draw a little tight, remove the cotton yarn, leaving the lace to do the job alone... it's more than capable :D
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