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Struggling with setups Taifun-Kayfun

Well, there's usually a couple of thing that will cause that;
1. Size of wire you're using.
2. Number of wraps, proportional to the size of wire.
3. Contact points: Are they good and fully connected?
4. Spacing of coil.
5. Your Ohm meter... is it a good multimeter or some sort of vape gear you bought off the net. A good multimeter usually beats the ohm meters that are being sold at B & M and Internet sites.

Personally, I would check your meter if you think that everything you have done up to this point is good. If you have one of the Vape gear style ohm meters, take a good coil and wiggle it around and see if you get an accurate reading. If it jumps, get a multimeter.

If it's good, then I would start by unwinding the coil until I start to see it drop.in resistance. If your left with just 2 wraps, then you will know that you don't have the correct size wire for the coil that you are building.
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Nope doesn’t seem to matter how i do either of them, they just don’t appear to be working correctly, my 3 drippers are miles better, i know the taste from a dripper is more than a tank atty, but no taste at all from the kayfun and taifun can’t be right, think my kayfun is a pressure problem and obviously my coiling ability’s - finding how high to stick the coil more than likely.

The Taifun is an odd one, it leaks from the 510, yet can’t find out how, muted taste and with a wick and coil in there, the draw tightens up, yet without one its damn near perfect and almost the same as the kayfun - also there’s the chamber top cap O-ring, not sure if mine is too small and causing the issue, compared to an original from the videos and pictures the O-ring looks tiny.
I’d love to get the Taifun working, as i like how easy it is to coil due to the access compared to the kayfun, prefer the looks of the kayfun though lol.

IF anybody has any other ideas, it would be most appreciated, especially the Taifun leaking 510 and the O-ring on the chamber.
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