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Struggling with setups Taifun-Kayfun

Wow, thanks guys for the replies, much appreciated, more help here than other places for sure :) Below alot of pics, sorry if thats against the rules.

As i mentioned my GT is a clone from vapegeek, so its the good one (i think) - one thing i did notice, is the cap that screws onto the slidy chamber doesnt have a big oring like an original, meaning it just screws all the way down, where as on an original, the oring prevents it from screwing down tight, and never tightens flush (picture below showing what i mean) - could that be part of my issue? and the cause of the 510 leaking?

@JosefK thanks for the detailed guide right there, ill have to grab some of those things, all ive got to hand at the moment is some cotton yarn, sugar & cream stuff, but it tastes odd
@5miley ill grab some pics of the coils i have currently in both devices and whack them up here. Both attempting to run silica with little result at the moment.

Pictures below might be too big, if they are ill thumbnail them, or you can view the album here http://s240.photobucket.com/user/KnightStalkerUK/library/POTV Taifun-Kayfun Issue

@cheersm8, thanks for the advice, ive tried them all and for some reason still not working for me, heres the kicker, i can and wick a dripper no problem, they work fine and dandy, but anything with a tank and seems like my coiling abilitys are not good enough, its an odd one for sure.
kayfun try ekowool or voodoowool
never a dry hit and bags of flavour.....coil choice is yours, never an issue with me, just alters the temperature
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I use a navy nest of 2mm silica in an S shape through the coil.
The loops sit on the deck. I leave the tails quite long, and spiral them into the chimney. This gives a reservoir of juice close to the coil.
I only get dry hits when empty, and it's a gentle degradation.

The Taifun I dual coil 2mm through the wicks, one flavour wick lay on top.
It can prove tight, so if I get dry hits, I pinch a couple of strands out, leaving the chimney in place.

Both have served me well.
Hope that is of use to you.
Ok, taking on board everything that has been suggested and advised so far, ive done 6 different builds on the Taifun and Kayfun in the last 2 days, all different builds, from micro coils and cotton, to normal coils and silica/eko/cotton yarn - each and everyone either not working, done the most simple setups, to the more shall we say complex ones (navynest) muted flavours, not wicking, over wicking, no vapour and throat ripping horrible tastes and in the case of the GT leaking from the 510 connection and the airhole.
So ive gone back to my drippers for the meantime - this is the part i dont get, ive got 3 drippers, igo-l and w and an AGi (which is horrible to build on) they all run microcoils 2mm with .32 kanthal, 8-10 wraps anywhere around 1.3 to 1.6ohm generally, and they all taste perfect, well apart from when i get the cotton wrong obviously - my kayfun used to work fine, i could coil it and wick it no issues, then all of a sudden its like ive lost that part of my brain.
Having a problem with my kayfun, been sat here for 2 hours trying to get it sorted. For some reason what would normally be a 2.0 to 2.3 ohm coil is showing up at 4.8 to 5.2 ohms. Wiggling the coil a bit sometimes drops it to expected ohms but gently pulling it up works every time but as soon as it's back in position the reading shoots back up. Also getting annoyed with my aqua as I can't seem to stop the damn thing flooding. Any ideas on kayfun prob?
The coils look perfect, 3x I tried it and made sure everything was 100%. Using the kayfun anyway at 3.54 ohms on vv/vw SID at 5.5 watts cos anything higher tastes like its burning
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