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Review Sub Rosa - Private Reserve


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Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
Our @Lee sent me this to trial out at some point early this week .. I finally got round to trying it today.

Yes Im a vendor, Yep Lees a vendor AND hes just kindly and without asking reviewed some of our FireWater stuff - its not a con, get over it - us smaller vendors often talk to each other and send each other new stuff to try out. In fact our more ... shall we say Cottage industry side of the vape world often swap ideas and info and bounce off each other like this, this was more true two and more years ago - when nearly the whole scene was pretty grass roots and very much in touch with each other - its a side of the vape industry thats slowly sadly being eroded by a more corporate based scenario - which is a shame. We should make sure that doesn't happen (grass roots events like VapeFest still carry this ethos - and I'd recommend anyone to go this year and meet your favourite vendors, chat with them. get too know them, moan at them about reformulations .. whatever ;) ) - I will also be writing a review on @Colonelboom 's Root Beer Shortly. Deal with it.

As most people know - I'm not a high VG, low ohms kinda guy ... that isn't to say I don't enjoy a few higher VG liquids .. I do ( I particularly like the Rope Cut Range of Higher VG tobaccos) - but as a rule, they are not something I hit up on a daily basis.

With that in mind - and partly out of revenge for Lee dropping my juice in some horrendously low ohm atomiser with an airflow more commonly seen in aerospace wind tunnels - I vaped this juice In an Eden Snapdragon with a single dangerously low .9ohm coil. We are not talking about a Klapton,Flapton,Crapton,Alien or any other of the myriad of very cleverly put together (and for me personally fairly pointless) Coils ... oh no - this puppy was a single piece of 28 Gauge wrapped round a 2mm screwdriver. Cutting edge stuff. The airflow was set to "Gnats Snatch"

Its very interesting for me personally to see another vendors take on a tobacco, given my predilection, and even more interesting when I associate that vendor more closely with some sort of creamy donut, fluffy sub-ohmy kind of product. That said .. I shouldn't be overly surprised .. there were some VERY capable tobaccos produced back in the Drip Works days by Lee.

Whats really interesting is how Lee has come at this juice from almost exactly the opposite angle from what I would have done - Lee I suspect is more of a dessert or fruit vaper, with the odd bit of tobacco - Where as I am for sure a tobacco with the very seldom bit of something else.

This shows in this juice - The initial hit for me is a lovely creamy toffee syrupy concoction (the sort of flavour I go for when I don't want a tobacco actually) with the tobacco very much in the background - but doing what I like a tobacco to do in this kind of juice - bolster and deepen the rest of the flavour of the juice. I find tobaccos add something to this kind of flavour that these flavours on their own don't have - for me personally anyway.

The juice is a lovely deep creamy toffee caramel kind of affair .. with a background of well thought out tobacco that bolsters the rest of the flavours nicely - it is one I will be pulling out when I want that dessert goodness.

This juice is a Caramel dessert first and a tobacco second - and it works.

Give it a try.

Addendum : @Lee I have the other two sat on my desk looking at me ready to try ... Im not going to lie .. they scare the shit out of me. but i'm sure ill be very pleasantly surprised.
Our @Lee sent me this to trial out at some point early this week .. I finally got round to trying it today.

Yes Im a vendor, Yep Lees a vendor AND hes just kindly and without asking reviewed some of our FireWater stuff - its not a con, get over it - us smaller vendors often talk to each other and send each other new stuff to try out. In fact our more ... shall we say Cottage industry side of the vape world often swap ideas and info and bounce off each other like this, this was more true two and more years ago - when nearly the whole scene was pretty grass roots and very much in touch with each other - its a side of the vape industry thats slowly sadly being eroded by a more corporate based scenario - which is a shame. We should make sure that doesn't happen (grass roots events like VapeFest still carry this ethos - and I'd recommend anyone to go this year and meet your favourite vendors, chat with them. get too know them, moan at them about reformulations .. whatever ;) ) - I will also be writing a review on @Colonelboom 's Root Beer Shortly. Deal with it.

As most people know - I'm not a high VG, low ohms kinda guy ... that isn't to say I don't enjoy a few higher VG liquids .. I do ( I particularly like the Rope Cut Range of Higher VG tobaccos) - but as a rule, they are not something I hit up on a daily basis.

With that in mind - and partly out of revenge for Lee dropping my juice in some horrendously low ohm atomiser with an airflow more commonly seen in aerospace wind tunnels - I vaped this juice In an Eden Snapdragon with a single dangerously low .9ohm coil. We are not talking about a Klapton,Flapton,Crapton,Alien or any other of the myriad of very cleverly put together (and for me personally fairly pointless) Coils ... oh no - this puppy was a single piece of 28 Gauge wrapped round a 2mm screwdriver. Cutting edge stuff. The airflow was set to "Gnats Snatch"

Its very interesting for me personally to see another vendors take on a tobacco, given my predilection, and even more interesting when I associate that vendor more closely with some sort of creamy donut, fluffy sub-ohmy kind of product. That said .. I shouldn't be overly surprised .. there were some VERY capable tobaccos produced back in the Drip Works days by Lee.

Whats really interesting is how Lee has come at this juice from almost exactly the opposite angle from what I would have done - Lee I suspect is more of a dessert or fruit vaper, with the odd bit of tobacco - Where as I am for sure a tobacco with the very seldom bit of something else.

This shows in this juice - The initial hit for me is a lovely creamy toffee syrupy concoction (the sort of flavour I go for when I don't want a tobacco actually) with the tobacco very much in the background - but doing what I like a tobacco to do in this kind of juice - bolster and deepen the rest of the flavour of the juice. I find tobaccos add something to this kind of flavour that these flavours on their own don't have - for me personally anyway.

The juice is a lovely deep creamy toffee caramel kind of affair .. with a background of well thought out tobacco that bolsters the rest of the flavours nicely - it is one I will be pulling out when I want that dessert goodness.

This juice is a Caramel dessert first and a tobacco second - and it works.

Give it a try.

Addendum : @Lee I have the other two sat on my desk looking at me ready to try ... Im not going to lie .. they scare the shit out of me. but i'm sure ill be very pleasantly surprised.

Thanks! Wasn’t expecting you to write a review!

Pleased you’re enjoying it dude, you’re right I am usually a fruit or dessert vaper but I do enjoy tobaccos and usually have some type of baccy on the go, mainly RY4 types [emoji16]

Not sure who’s more nervous about you trying the others, me or you [emoji23][emoji23]
Great review @ZT :2thumbsup: Although totally wasted on me as after trying a fair few, I just can't take to tobacco flavours :S But was still a great read, thanks :)
Great review like @ Jackymax i dont really like Tobacco flavor juices anymore but this was a great review to read well done mate..........
See I would still try it even if you don’t like tobaccoes, tobacco is just another flavouring - when we use a tobacco, we are not trying to recreate the taste and feel of a burning nasty, as well all know that is impossible.

Tobacco flavours are just another tool that combines with other tools to make something else.

For instance - I absolutely can’t stand anise, and yet used in the right way in the right juice it’s fine (take @Colonelboom ’s rootbeer for instance).

The same can be said for a lot of things, I don’t really like like raisens .. do I like a cream tea with a fruit scone? Why yes I do!
Yes food combining and or flavour combining is a science...
You can have 2 flavours or foods that by themselves you really dislike yet combine them thus creating another flavour and you like it..all about getting the combinations you like correct.
I don’t really like like raisens .. do I like a cream tea with a fruit scone? Why yes I do!
No you don’t.

If we were on Mr & Mrs, and you with your long hair were wearing the dress, and I was asked that question - I’d say “No, no she does not like scones.”

And the host would reply “My word, she sounds a right nutter.”

And I’d be all, “Mate, you don’t know the half of it.”

Because you don’t eat carbs, freak.
See I would still try it even if you don’t like tobaccoes, tobacco is just another flavouring - when we use a tobacco, we are not trying to recreate the taste and feel of a burning nasty, as well all know that is impossible.

Tobacco flavours are just another tool that combines with other tools to make something else.

For instance - I absolutely can’t stand anise, and yet used in the right way in the right juice it’s fine (take @Colonelboom ’s rootbeer for instance).

The same can be said for a lot of things, I don’t really like like raisens .. do I like a cream tea with a fruit scone? Why yes I do!
Yep I get that. So I did try a few high quality Manabush and Spiritwalker flavours (yours I believe?) but still couldn't get on with the tobacco flavour. :(
Yep I get that. So I did try a few high quality Manabush and Spiritwalker flavours (yours I believe?) but still couldn't get on with the tobacco flavour. :(
Fair enough then :)
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