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Sxk haku lands at ft.

I would bet it's a borrowed image at this stage. Find it hard to believe sxk would mis this market. If all is lost the cheapy five pack of squonk pins on ft will fit. I would urge all to pick up a stock of spare pins. for a quid or two you can convert some old favourites.
Would these squonk pins fit a wasp rdta?
Well the genuine Haka and simply tips caps arrived today and first impressions are the treads are better on the genuine than the YFTK other than that its hard to tell the difference! Time to build it later and see if the vape is any different.

IMAG0386[1].jpg caps fit the YFTK just as well as original to :)
I got the YFTK one also and the machining is really nice, its quite an expensive clone but without a doubt one of the best I have ever bought quality wise.

I can understand why the Haku creator and his minions got so salty every time anyone in the group mentioned getting a clone while waiting for their chance to buy an authentic.

Does make you wonder how they justify the £80 price difference over the clone.

£20 for a Haku manufactured in a sweatshop in China or £100 for a Haku made in a sweatshop in Korea.....
Well I've had a little play with the genuine now and even though its not scientific, didn't use excatly same builds or mods, I would say there is no difference in the vape experience over the clones. So guess after posting this I will soon get kicked out of the group!!
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