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SXK Le Zephyr V2 £3.99 delivered

I thought at £3.99 it's worth a go

But then watched a YouTube video and didn't like the fill style and looks like it could make me lose my temper getting it right.

So for that reason I'm out.

Great find @ChrisS

You just pour liquid on the deck and it flows over the sides into the tank area. It couldn’t be easier to fill.
That is giving it away really. I would go for it if I didn't suffer from muppetitis on RDAs
It is a good atty, easy to build, good flavour. My only issue is that to adjust the airflow you need to almost disassemble the whole top cap, and will get juice all over. Contrary to zouzounaki I never got a great vape with anything other than 3.5mm inner diameter coils.
I might dig it out at some point and try it with a bigger coil. I had always thought it would choke the wicking but it seems a few of you are using biggies.

But aye, 2 or 2.5mm works very well for me. Same with le mirage and the origen, have even had dual 2mm coils in those two.

I agree about the airflow adjustment @Biochemist it’s a bit of a hassle. Probably the only negative point about it for me.
@ChrisS have you tried le mirage? It’s also really good. I think I prefer it to le zephyr. It seems more versatile, easier air flow adjustment and it can do dual coils as well. I picked my sxk up for about a fiver I think, from one of the chinese sites.

I’ve been thinking on and off about trying l’hypersonic as well.
@ChrisS have you tried le mirage? It’s also really good. I think I prefer it to le zephyr. It seems more versatile, easier air flow adjustment and it can do dual coils as well. I picked my sxk up for about a fiver I think, from one of the chinese sites.

I’ve been thinking on and off about trying l’hypersonic as well.
l’hypersonic looks interesting. I've got a flave and a flvr on the way so I'll have to holdoff for a bit.
Mine arrived today. Gonna have me some fun on my week off with this and the hastur mini :)
Well, I did it. Currenly vaping on both - only shorted one coil and both wicked first time. Beginners luck I know but that was good fun :D
The hastur is slightly too restrictive for me but it was easier to coil and wick and has the edge on flavour so far
The zephyr airflow is very odd to get used to but I like that theres a lot of options.
Had a good day :)
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