Hmmm I think I probably would've opted for surgery after a year of steroids, though it must've been a tough call that I wouldn't like to have had to make, that said, the thought of surgery scares me shitless!. I can't imagine taking cancer drugs was much more fun than the steroids, but at least it got you to the point where you got the drugs that were helping I guess, sounds like a long road travelled.
i really do feel for you & your son, it's not a nice prospect even thinking that they may suffer the same problems, so fingers crossed that it isn't crohns, it may turn out to be nothing to worry about.
i was concerned that the extra gasses I'm putting into my body (and releasing!) may trigger something off, but I guess there's nothing to worry about there? At the moment it feels like I'm getting over a bad crohns flare up, don't know if its ciggie withdrawals or what, but I feel so drained I'm struggling to do anything at all from day to day without feeling completely exhausted, I'm hoping it passes or I may be tempted to go back to the ciggies as I can't function like this for much longer.
Yeah, stress has a lot to do with it (I find it stressful going for a colonoscopy and looking at the firemans hose reel and thinking shit, surely they're not going to use ALL that! ) I'm finding myself more stressed about silly things ATM, but I'm sure as my ciggie thoughts pass, so will that.
heres to bowel pleasing vaping!!!
i really do feel for you & your son, it's not a nice prospect even thinking that they may suffer the same problems, so fingers crossed that it isn't crohns, it may turn out to be nothing to worry about.
i was concerned that the extra gasses I'm putting into my body (and releasing!) may trigger something off, but I guess there's nothing to worry about there? At the moment it feels like I'm getting over a bad crohns flare up, don't know if its ciggie withdrawals or what, but I feel so drained I'm struggling to do anything at all from day to day without feeling completely exhausted, I'm hoping it passes or I may be tempted to go back to the ciggies as I can't function like this for much longer.
Yeah, stress has a lot to do with it (I find it stressful going for a colonoscopy and looking at the firemans hose reel and thinking shit, surely they're not going to use ALL that! ) I'm finding myself more stressed about silly things ATM, but I'm sure as my ciggie thoughts pass, so will that.
heres to bowel pleasing vaping!!!
TBH I opted for the surgery as at the time I was in a very bad place where I was taking steriods solid for a year at high doses as when I weaned off of them id have a flair up, I was at my wits end and although there were risks I could not go on as was. When I was on steriods for a prolonged period the side effects mood swings etc got worse and worse. I was also on slow release tramadol to the max I could take and still function day to day, these took me a year to get off of and had to go cold turkey whilst away working (basically didnt take them with me).
They told me I should take pentasa as they might help but after 4 mths and them doing nothing I stopped and the doc still said I should but I explained they did nothing and I have side effects so I will not be taking them.
Arthritis like Crohns is a auto-immune diesease so could in some respects be related.
Qualifying for the drugs meant that I had to have tried 4 other drugs (most of which were cancer drugs and tbh was a nasty ride). Then they ask you in for a accesment which involves seeing what ya joints are like for pain whilst you are taking your drugs. Then a month later without taking anything if you are able to show pain in several joints and have tried other drugs then you pass.
My sons suffering was a heavy blow and one that hits me often, even as I write this I cannot help but fear the worst. He is undiagnosed at the moment as he had a few new non-invasive tests that they can do and he was borderline for a inflammatory bowel problem next steps were scopes. We tried to negate certain foods with me and my knowledge as a guideline and it did negate alot of his symptoms so we have him under the specialists but have a open appointment for a year which we can extend for another. His symptoms at present are a little worse but not as bad as they were.
Incedently like me when his symptoms subsided he also put weight on. So it is very like me in all regards so I dont not hold much hope that it will be a negative for crohns tbh and knowing how it can be to live with is where it hits you hard.
Vaping id say have taken me back to almost a year prior with my symptoms as it has been a very gradual worsening but this in all honesty is all I can put it down to my life is a little bit stress free which as you know will also help but I would hold my hand up and state that vaping has done wonders for me and I personally hope that it will continue to reverse the problems I have been having building. I know you could argue that giving up smoking would have also done the same but there is so much I have given up because of my problems that it was my last and only sin.