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Talk me out of it! (post what you want to buy but know you shouldn't)

Oh blimey, that sure is pretty, but it's the Stubby and the Cthulhu that are really pulling me right now and I know I mustn't.
Sorry mate I didn't quite catch that?
What was it you are really really tempted by?


How did you get the Thelama solo for £75? At the moment it’s in my basket for £90
Interesting. May I ask where you are located?
Channel Islands.

It sounds better than it is, we get stiffed on income tax to make up for it and things in shops tend to be more expensive because they have to be "imported"

Vaping101 my favorite online vape retailer because they're one of the only stores that take the VAT off automatomatically, usually I have to claim it back.
Channel Islands.

It sounds better than it is, we get stiffed on income tax to make up for it and things in shops tend to be more expensive because they have to be "imported"

Vaping101 my favorite online vape retailer because they're one of the only stores that take the VAT off automatomatically, usually I have to claim it back.
So no import or customs charges either, nice. I'm outside the UK and until just over a year ago I was getting good deals, no UK vat and no added charges when goods reached me. It kinda compensated for the postage fees. Once Brexit was completely finalised it became a different story though so now I have to try and source things within the EU. Without as much competition over here as you have in the UK, prices aren't driven down and things tend to be quite a bit more expensive.
Aw man, this is cruelty. Pure cruelty. That's my fantasy right there. I'm so envious. You are one lucky man.

Seriously though, I genuinely hope that's bringing you as much pleasure as I imagine it to be. I hope you're enjoying every moment of it.

You can get a cthulhu aio pretty cheap right now at ecigone.


But I have to say, the Stubby is much better so if you can, you should get one before they go out of stock again.
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