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TC help (again!)

Last night I made a dual coil SS316L build and I have experienced exactly the same behaviour. The cold ohms were reading somewhere in the mid 0.175 area when initially built. After a tank or so the cold ohms had dropped down yo 0.165. By this morning when I did a cold read they had dropped down to 0.160 ohms.

So I have now seen this with mesh and Twisted Clapton (3-28/38) coils.

As I have said before, now that I have sorted the cold ohm, it's working just fine in TC. Just took a while to settle in.

Out of curiosity, how long do you leave the atty before measuring the cold ohms?
I give it at least 15 mins. It's that bit that I find annoying tbh.
Out of curiosity, how long do you leave the atty before measuring the cold ohms?
I give it at least 15 mins. It's that bit that I find annoying tbh.

I leave the mod/atty on a cold stone shelf which gets really cold (outside wall) and just happens to be within arms reach of where I sit. I wait for the mod to go cold (Odin's are metal). I also turn off USB charging as that causes the mod to heat up. 5-10 minutes. Vape for a bit. Another 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times through the first day. I leave it on that shelf overnight and take a read first thing before it gets used. That's always a good 'un. I will then just do a read in the mornings, just to see if it has changed, it's the first day that the most change happens.

I am just used to that being how it goes, doesn't bother me at all any more.
Plain wire works best, claptons and other exotic stuff like mesh unleash dark demonic forces on TC algorithms.
I use stainless spaced claptons occasionally, got a pair in a Kensei now that work fine with Replay but I made them myself so I know they are good quality but you cant guarantee how it'll work for these things.
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