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Tesco Signage

Vapers unite! I'm happy with what we achieved here. Its one step closer to disassociating vaping from smoking.:thumbup:
I see Mr Atkins never responded to your last comment Em

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I wonder what would happen in Tesco's if I was too...

1)Sit in the cafe(if it had one)vaping on my mod box
2)Insist it wasn't an e-cigarette but a Personal Vapourizer so isn't included in the wording of their idiotic signage

I ask as I visited my sisters who is totally against smoking(I've never been allowed to smoke inside her house)& explained that I'd quit smoking in favour of vaping,and I no longer needed to go stand in the garage.My brother (an ex-smoker) suffered a stroke & gets really excited if I try to smoke in my own house when he's visiting yet had no issues with my vaping. Bouyed by these occasions,I asked the instructor on a course I was doing if PV's counted as E-cigarettes and was told no,therefore I could vape at my desk.His reason being,a PV ban would also include asthmatics so if they suffered an attack,to escape breaching rules about vaping indoors would need to go outside(my OH suffers from acute asthma which has hospitalized her on occasion)So,if we all refused to acknowledge anyone labeling our PV's as e-ciggys we might start to gain more favourable opinions from the public. :)

Nothing is guaranteed to send me from happy & vacant to fuck off you twat faster than a stupid person.

Sent via Singapore Post using the POTV app
My first experience of trying an ecig was in tesco at Horwich, at their pharmacy department. They let me try them before I bought them.
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