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The 100Thousand campaign...

Yeah, I think this is one that might be at least able to make some noise - Although they may be waiting until after the 17th to see what the Advocate Generals advice to the CJEU will be...

Yup, date is now the 23rd. But from speaking to people yesterday it seems that the Advocate General's advice counts for nothing and the decision is down to the judges and may go completely the other way to the advice.
Yup, date is now the 23rd. But from speaking to people yesterday it seems that the Advocate General's advice counts for nothing and the decision is down to the judges and may go completely the other way to the advice.

Well the Judges are just as likely to be influenced by political considerations, and we know the overwhelming balance of evidence proves that Vaping is far safer and the period since the original decision has seen many of the fears put forward origanally reduced to rubbish...

Now we just need to wait...
PLEASE!!!! Sign This Petition Guys, we really are in dire peril here. 1872 signatures? Come on......... It only takes seconds to sign.
I reckon we should have a link on the home page and you can't log in till you've signed it !!! Not that we should have to stoop to such levels !!! Vaper's are an Apathetic bunch on the whole !!!
This isn't just vaping - this is an attack on freedom of speech.


If people can't get motivated by having your right to speak in public removed from you then what the fuck do you give a shit about? Seriously, just give up with life.

I'm staggered at the piss-poor response to this.

No advertising on the forum = no forum.
No advertising = fewer sales = vape companies go out of business.
No positive comments on radio, television or newspapers = a wall of negative lies.
No Vapefest, other vape events or vape meets.
No social media vape groups on FB, Twitter or the like.
No YouTube channels, no reviews, no fucking nothing.

...and you won't be allowed to protest, you won't be allowed to meet up, you won't be allowed to talk about it in public.

They are making all of us criminals.

If you haven't signed this yet, if you haven't got friends and family to sign this yet, have a fucking word with yourself.
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