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The TPD means nothing


May 5, 2014
To all those who think the TPD won't affect them, to all those think they'll be alright anyway, to all those who think "they won't do it will they", to all those who've stocked up their freezers with nicotine to last 5 years... Please read and think...



This image has been produced for sharing via vape shops. The link will allow you to print a high quality version to take to your local vape shop to help educate people on what the TPD really means for them.
It's all rather depressing and i don't mean to be. Just seeing all the corruption for years in governments/the elite.

I was talking to an old friend the other week (he got me into vaping) i said about the this and outright didnt believe me, had never heard of it... Which i thought was crazy as he is online alot etc, no idea how people could miss something as huge as this in the vaping world.
well lets just look at some of these shall we?

10ml bottles huh.. and waht will this achieve otehr than driving prices up because of not being able to by a bulk 30,50 or 100ml bottle.... reason 1 to stay on stinkies

20mg/ml nic... now i vape at 12mg. most people i know vape 18 or below.. so whos this going to hit hardest. those wanting to swtith from the stinkies to ecigs where to get there nic hit would want 24 or even higher.
so ... reason 2 to stay on stinkies

2ml size tanks.. not many quality RBA;s fall under that so its clearos and the like.
reason 3 to stay on the stinkies as you just arent going to get that quality vape on crappy little tanks.

a consistent dose per puff. SORRY TPD but thats total bollocks... NOTHING. NOT A SINGLE FUCKING DEVICE. delivers sucha thing. first off as a battery weakens then the voltage will drop resulting in lower temp ( as we sure as hell wont be allowed temp regulated mods ) which will mean a change in dosage.
secondly coils and wick as it gets older and more used. will result in a change of the hit and dosage.

so how the fuck can they implement something that doesnt even exist... simple they cant.

nothing that isnt leakfree while refilling.
more bollocks.. a container with a hole in and liquid... impossible to make leak free. it states WHILE REFILLING.. any foold can spill and leak juice when filling it no matter how good the container.

nothing that can be tampered with?

sorry but how are you supppsed to leak free REFILL a device if you cant "tamper" with it.

nothing that has been advertised onr adio, tv blah de blah... thats ok then as ive never seen an add for my home made juices, my smok gimlet tanks or my vaporshark.

EU design parameters? so do the EU actually have a team of ECIG designers on board?? if so who are they and what are the designs they will be offering us??

toxicoligical report.... well im sure the batteries in my VW would have been tested though i have no plans to lick them.
and they are quite welcome to coem and run any tests they want on my 314 grade SS mod and tank.

and bleach free organic cotton wool... yup go ahead. im sure i'll sleep alot safer knowing that the things i use to wipe the babies arse with are safe from toxins.

HDPE bottles... again im pretty sure no issues there.

is there anything in the above article that actually makes any SENSE whatsoever and benefits ANYONE otehr than the tobacco companies.

if your answer is NO then go sign each and every petition, fight, cause or whatever else is out there. send it to your MP, MEP, human rights groups. your aunt mabel and uncle tom cobbley and all and get them to sign up the fight.

a battle may be over but this bloody war is by no means lost.. far from it.
we are all doomed and theres fuck all we can do to change it. all the action groups you can think of wont be able to compete with those big brown envelopes full of euros that some of those MEPs have probably had there dirty but soft hands on.

be interesting to see what happens if the conservatives get re elected. they keep spouting on about being the party thats pro business. this ruling will make a lot of vaping companies struggle i would think so would be good to see if they really are pro business or just pro big business

and yes i know that that McAvan women is labour. shes also a lot of other things imo but not sure what the legal status of calling someone rude names on a public forum is so i wont go there lol

do they actually use brown envelopes anymore or is it all done through bank transfers hmmm
It's a good poster though a link to the TW challenge site would be good.

For clarity, the 'advertising' is something of a misnomer because it includes a ban on anything remotely 'promoting' ecigs. Many interpret this to include forums like this one. I haven't seen any TV ads for Vaporsharks either but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have heard of them without the internet, or any of the kit I have used for 5 years come to that

"5. Member States shall ensure that: a) commercial communications in information society services, in the press and other printed publications, with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers are prohibited, except for publications that are intended exclusively for professionals in the trade of electronic cigarettes or refill containers and for publications which are printed and published in third countries, where those publications are not principally intended for the Union market;
b) commercial communications on the radio, with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers, are prohibited;
c) any form of public or private contribution to radio programmes with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers is prohibited;

d) any form of public or private contribution to any event, activity or individual person with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers and involving or taking place in several Member States or otherwise having cross-border effects is prohibited;

e) audiovisual commercial communications to which Directive 2010/13/EU applies, are prohibited for electronic cigarettes and refill containers."

(from Clive Bates here Updated info post: TPD ? provisions relating to e-cigarettes « The counterfactual )

Personally I doubt they would be able to ban forums talking about ecigs. On the other hand we wouldn't be left with much to talk about
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at this bloody rate im tempted to vote for farage simply cos he wants us outa europe. then we can tell brussels to stick there pipe where the sun dont shine.

wonder what Farages views are on vaping.. anyone got hes email so i can drop him a line?
at this bloody rate im tempted to vote for farage simply cos he wants us outa europe. then we can tell brussels to stick there pipe where the sun dont shine.

wonder what Farages views are on vaping.. anyone got hes email so i can drop him a line?

Farage has publicly supported ecigs on more than one occasion. Shame UKIP didn't show up to vote against the TPD
It's a good poster though a link to the TW challenge site would be good.

For clarity, the 'advertising' is something of a misnomer because it includes a ban on anything remotely 'promoting' ecigs. Many interpret this to include forums like this one. I haven't seen any TV ads for Vaporsharks either but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have heard of them without the internet, or any of the kit I have used for 5 years come to that

"5. Member States shall ensure that: a) commercial communications in information society services, in the press and other printed publications, with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers are prohibited, except for publications that are intended exclusively for professionals in the trade of electronic cigarettes or refill containers and for publications which are printed and published in third countries, where those publications are not principally intended for the Union market;
b) commercial communications on the radio, with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers, are prohibited;
c) any form of public or private contribution to radio programmes with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers is prohibited;

d) any form of public or private contribution to any event, activity or individual person with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting electronic cigarettes and refill containers and involving or taking place in several Member States or otherwise having cross-border effects is prohibited;

e) audiovisual commercial communications to which Directive 2010/13/EU applies, are prohibited for electronic cigarettes and refill containers."

(from Clive Bates here Updated info post: TPD ? provisions relating to e-cigarettes « The counterfactual )

Personally I doubt they would be able to ban forums talking about ecigs. On the other hand we wouldn't be left with much to talk about

therein lies a problem though.. forgive me if im wrong but the TPD is europe right and not worldwide. so if alibaba or vaporshark which are american stick there products on line and advertise them.. then theres fuck all they can do about it as its outside there remit. or will it be like torrent sites now and they will start blocking chinese suppliers via your ISP so you cant see the website.. and seeing as most of these sites ( fasttech for instance ) sell a whole range of NON ecig realted products how do they think they will be able to block/ ban them from advertising.... i think we all know the answer to that one.. they wont... BUT yet again UK and EU businesses will be the ones to suffer the most.
therein lies a problem though.. forgive me if im wrong but the TPD is europe right and not worldwide. so if alibaba or vaporshark which are american stick there products on line and advertise them.. then theres fuck all they can do about it as its outside there remit. or will it be like torrent sites now and they will start blocking chinese suppliers via your ISP so you cant see the website.. and seeing as most of these sites ( fasttech for instance ) sell a whole range of NON ecig realted products how do they think they will be able to block/ ban them from advertising.... i think we all know the answer to that one.. they wont... BUT yet again UK and EU businesses will be the ones to suffer the most.

Which is why I don't think they will be able to. A switch to US servers is doable. They don't define 'cross border' but I would assume this means the borders between EU states. Anyhoo it runs contrary to some fundamental rights and freedoms of expression.
The prohibition on contributions to radio programmes is bizarre too. So we can't get a pro vaping Doctor like Farsolinos to attend a vaping discussion?
It's all cack
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