Finally put a build in the Ponte XL. (Waited Long Enough). Obviously in the Stubby 21. I thought i would try Butter 02 and have to say i am enjoying Both. The Liquid is the most Authentic Strawberry Cream i have ever tasted. Also @Mutley1, @JohnNada, and @gary68, Your were all right about the Ponte being good so Thanks for Persuading Me to get one.
Finally put a build in the Ponte XL. (Waited Long Enough). Obviously in the Stubby 21. I thought i would try Butter 02 and have to say i am enjoying Both. The Liquid is the most Authentic Strawberry Cream i have ever tasted. Also @Mutley1, @JohnNada, and @gary68, Your were all right about the Ponte being good so Thanks for Persuading Me to get one.