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The "What Flavours Are You Vaping Today?" Thread

Tobacco Monster Bold...I know a lot of tobacco lovers bang on about NETs and the complexities but I'm a bit of a pleb and this is my favourite juice I've found. A bit sweet, rich and round and only £2.99 a bottle. Always have to have some.
Profile Unity w/ Jack Rabbit - Strawberry Cheesecake
Delicious! Definitely one I'll buy again. Could even be a Top 5 contender.

Orca Ponte w/ Marina Vapes - Strawberry Glazed Donuts
Been buying this on and off since it was called D'oh Nuts back in the glass bottle pre-TPD days. Lovely stuff.
I`m trying a doozy vapes blackcurrant lemonade in the asgard and for a bargain basement juice it`s very nice, I have kanzi in the blotto but I haven`t picked it up yet, this lemo is really nice.
Trying another Manabush Flavour today with the Ambition Mods Ripley on my Centaurus 250C in TC Mode. Today is the turn of Waxahachie which is Sweet Tobacco/Gingerbread and Dark Chocolate and it's absolutely Gorgeous. I have only come across 1 other Gingerbread Vape and this beats it, i have to say that after about an hours Vaping this Liquid has shot up my List of favourite flavours. Love It !
Trying another Manabush Flavour today with the Ambition Mods Ripley on my Centaurus 250C in TC Mode. Today is the turn of Waxahachie which is Sweet Tobacco/Gingerbread and Dark Chocolate and it's absolutely Gorgeous. I have only come across 1 other Gingerbread Vape and this beats it, i have to say that after about an hours Vaping this Liquid has shot up my List of favourite flavours. Love It !

Always good when you find a winner. It's rare I try a new liquid and want to buy it again.
Always good when you find a winner. It's rare I try a new liquid and want to buy it again.

I haven't had a Manabush liquid that i haven't liked so that's my MTL pretty much sorted, it's DTL that i struggle to find good liquid for. I have about 5 that i would and will buy again but always searching for something else. Butter 02 and Macaraz are my main 2 plus Gingerbread Latte which is 70/30 but once i have added Nic it's more or less 50/50 so tend to MTL that as well.
I'm enjoying Supergood Uncommon 4 at the moment. I just took a punt on it, but it's quite nice. I can't taste any tobacco in it, just a nice sweet dessert flavour. More birthday cake with white icing.
I've just started a bottle of Serendipity Vanilla Sky. I had forgotten how good it is. Creamy, vanilla, smooth and velvety thickness.
Today I 'ave been mostly vaping some leftovers.

Some 6-8 month old Doozy legends Golden Elixir/Halo Classic Virginia to which I added some La Tabaccheria Black Cavendish a couple of days ago.

A brew I shall call Maple Pipe. Leftover Drake's Morgan's Maple and English Blend concentrates.
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