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things vaping shops have done to you to rip you off!


Jan 15, 2018
theres a famous vaping shop that ripped me off when I was new to vaping. I don't want to name names. still abit upset about it. Has this happened to anyone? what did they do? for me I lost some o rings and they sold me a whole kit instead of selling me a tank. selling batterys when I didn't need them. not replacing a mod when it was still covered to be returned. selling me the wrong coils then not replacing them because i'd opened them. bloody hell I had to open them to see if they worked! so now I avoid this store. other people who used to shop there now avoid this shop.
The shops around here are pretty good in my experience.

One of them is a bit poncy, had a bit of an argument about a couple of things (they said clone tanks make mods explode, berated me for buying a rebuildable for my first tank, got all shirty about battery safety and tried telling me clear wraps weren't safe)...

I don't shop there, was only visiting, but at least they aren't about to flog a stacked mech to a teenage first timer.

The others are pretty straight and the staff know what they're on about (or will at least admit it when they don't know and find out).

Can't say I get the feeling any if them are likely to try it on - but maybe that's because they realise they can't with me, might be different for others...
I bought an Istick 80W which worked but got really hot when charging as did every 1 Amp wall plug I tried it on. I took it back to the shop and the guy wasn't interested. I told him to go fuck imself.
To be honest I don't like vape shops at all. They look like sweetie shops the way eliquids are packaged with all the bright colours and cartoon type logo's, the funky doo daa brightly coloured mods, Efest batteries and probably around half their products are Smok. Then there's the CBD and something else I'm starting to see creep in...Heat-Not-Burn products. I understand they are trying to make a living but I think it just all looks bad and gives the wrong impression.
Yeah and the fecker who quoted me £3.50 for a 10ml bottle of 18mg nic. I was like WTF. He said it was for them buying shortfills so obviously it had to cost me more as I didn't want a shortfill. I said that's like charging me £5 for a disposable lighter because I didn't want fags. He can fuck imself as well.
No issues round here loads vape shops luckily there all good
In 7 years of vaping I have never been in a vape shop. Doesn't seem as if I'm missing much lol.
Never really been ripped off in a vape shop but i do hate it when they try to sell me a alternative to something i asked for and they have not got what i wanted in stock when i have so many other vape shops i can try where i live just so they can get a sale instead of telling me to try another shop or giving one of their other shops they own near to me to see if they have what i want in stock.
Used to use shops but now I only use online.

Never had an issue with any shop I've been in, apart from the prices!
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My main vape shop (Audacious vapes) are brilliant, he often uses the line "I don't want to sell you any thing that you don't need".
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