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(This is it) TPD Regulations 2016

@itbitesa5head Thankfully, in the UK at least, we dont need to go that far. Extension tank will be readily available. No cross dressing required either..
The CJEU judgements (BTW) are only the beginning of a planned almighty legal battle, mostly funded by Tobacco but vaping stand to benefit.
The BAT/PMI judgement in particular needs first to be added in to Justice Green's ruling for the UK and this will be heavily challenged.
His UK ruling was already 400 pages!
Expected challenges are at least ten-fold, deprivation of property under ECHR, various convention and charter rights, unlawful adoption especially Art 24, entire TPD invalid as incompatible with treaty rights, public law challenges, irrationality, procedural iregularity, incompatibility with TRIPS, community trademark and community design regs, A1P1 charter deprivation of property challenges, proportionality, paper challenge (physical cigarette appearance cannot be regulated), and much more. That's just within the UK. Various Govt Depts involved, not just DoH. FCO, Cabinet Office, BIS. Undermines trade agreements. Bilateral investment treaties. World Trade Organisation challenges worldwide being pursued everywhere and will be in the UK.
This is just the start. No one is giving up and meanwhile you really think the Govt here will even bother to try and adopt a zero tolerance enforcement regime on May 21?
Love all this.
Acquiring tanks over 2mil will be no problem at all. Fasttech to the rescue.
An Early Day Motion has been made to have all harm reduction devices be removed from TPD.

Everyone should email / tweet to / contact their local MP over this. It will probably never get heard, but the more MPs that have signed the better, obviously.

Regarding the rest of this thread - some very interesting posts from juice makers and businesses. Trying times for us all. As for all the other queries - nobody van touch stuff coming from outside the EU - mods and tanks are for the most part sent in parts - workaround number one. As for juices, same deal. Maybe customs might nab the odd batch of 100ml juices, but can we really see this being enforced fastidiously? No.

Compared to this week's FDA rulings in the US, the TPD is kids stuff! We should think ourselves lucky! Until then, support the NNA, Vapers In Power and every advocacy bandwagon you can jump on.

Our biggest problem - the apathy of the average vaper on moronic vaping Facebook groups making their "hand checks" and encouraging us to check their latest cloud blow. We are in a minority, as most folks couldn't care less and will rely on "somebody else to do it".
Also, while I'm here let me rag on nicotine patches and nicotine gum. Fuck those bastards as hard as big tobacco. Under no circumstances will I ever hand them a penny of my money. If I can no longer vape I'm out for good.
Also, while I'm here let me rag on nicotine patches and nicotine gum. Fuck those bastards as hard as big tobacco. Under no circumstances will I ever hand them a penny of my money. If I can no longer vape I'm out for good.
Well I'm pretty sure no-one can ever stop you from vaping. Might be little more expensive than it is now but it's still doable(stock with high %nic then in future you can still use 20mg nic - make your own juice, buy couple reliable mods, learn how to maintain them for long life etc)
Now where was it I heard that the manufacturers will still be allowed to include a longer glass tube in the tank's packaging, as a glass tube is not a vape product, kind of thing? Suspect it was at one of the advocacy talks at vape jam. One of the loopholes the uk has allowed to be exploited.
Tanks must have a capacity of <=2ml AS SOLD, there's nothing to stop the supply of adapters and extenders - as long as they aren't in the retail packaging of the tank.
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