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Thoughts on tanks - help


Jan 16, 2014
Hi all, I'm using a itaste svd which I love, & I'm looking for spare tanks, the svd comes with a I clear 30.
Anyone have any views on the kanger or davide tanks? Thanks in advance.
i got the same situation got the svd with iclear 30 and don't know what else would go on well.
Just got myself an aerotank yesterday and so far i'm loving it. Certainly as good as the protank with the added benefit of the air flow control, and looks great too
I got an svd and I use protank 2s. Got an aerotank yesterday, been using it today and I must admit it's not hugely different from the pt2. More vape but a little less flavor Imo. Quite happy with the pt2 on it and it's good for work as dripping is a bit of a bugger at work
PT2 is a nice bit of kit. Has the benefit of being easier to rebuild if you get into that later on.
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