It's a fallacy that current takes the path of least resistance in fact proportionately more of the current will take the path of least resistance, if anyone is interested in maths then maybe they would like to work out the exact responses of the clapton coil - Taking into account that a clapton is essentially 2 resistors in parallel, not forgetting that with two different types of wire those resistors will be changing value at different rates as they heat.
For two resistors in parallel...
however it's more complicated than that as depending on how tightly they are wrapped, and how conductive the touching surfaces of the wire, they may behave as anything from 2 seperate wires in parallel to one very thick wire with a very complicated surface topology.
They may give a fantastically cloudy vape but their actual temperature response will be unknown and unpredictable. You may be fine with that, but if you are then why not just use regular claptons?