Im going to go against the grain here but i have zero issues with ni200. I used the hard drawn stuff at 26AWG and it acts like kanthal to me. Rewicking is easy enough, i just pull the old one out and smash a new one in. The only down side i find is with my juice it leaves the coils with a lot of gunk on them even after one tank, some say dry burn with temp off and about 10w, others say never dry burn ni200, but i don't mind making coils so takes me seconds. As for spaced coils, well i've always made spaced coils so thats no difference to me. Flavour and vapour i personally find is better.
Yep, the only down side for me is dry burning, thats it.
26awg nickel, how many wraps do you need of that!?
Whilst I appreciate that nickel works for you, you've just listed things that make nickel tolerable. Surely using titanium would just be less effort at the very least? Titanium coils are far more gunk resistant than even kanthal. Apparently they can last for a few months...
As i build at 0.08 i use 7 wraps of 26AWG around a 2.5.. bit.
I don't see how using titanium would be less effort for me as ni200 is no more effort than kanthal but maybe thats just me, regardless of coils gunking up, which they've always done even with kanthal, i totally strip my tanks down every other day and throw them in the ultra sonic cleaner so as I'm rebuilding i always put fresh coils in as it takes an extra 30 seconds to coil.
I would try titanium at some point but would need to look where to get it from.
Am I the only one, but I cant tell any difference between Kathnal, nickel and titanium ... in terms of taste
The video below shows oxidation through dry burning, it's in French and he is not letting the wire get hot enough to ignite luckily, but he also puts a piece of paper underneath the coil showing TiO2 coming off of the coil-
That makes sense if you are already getting your hands dirty with your tanks every couple of days. If you decide to get some, I would highly recommend stealth vapes. They are the only company in the UK to stock grade 1 medical grade ti. They give a shit and they are good.
So this isnt with medical grade TI, hopefully someone can do the same test with Grade1 and see if it does the same.
To be honest, I'm not sure if i would have continued with temp control if nickel was the only option. You will save yourself a lot of unnecessary dissatisfaction by skipping it and going straight to titanium.
I've sat and waited patiently for the tipping point into TC ... the combination of positive Titanium and iPV D2 reviews have provided that for me. Low price, small form factor, reputable manufacturer, TC features and not having to use Ni200 have finally ticked enough boxes. Credible Kanthal TC still awaited of course ...Titanium coils are far more gunk resistant than even kanthal. Apparently they can last for a few months...
You're a better man than me, Gunga Din, good luck with that ... and be safe, buddy!To be honest I'm tempted to heat a coil to its oxidation point ... The reaction won't be that dramatic, but it will be interesting to see if it can happen at dry burn temperatures and to see how long it burns for ...