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Top 5 BF atomisers?

Anyone converted their mad hatter V2 for squonking ? love the flip lid for dripping and really like this atty (along with the 3 post mad hatter mini for flavour)
so just wanted to ask if anyone had given it a try and had success / is it possible ?
thanks in advance

There's a few vids on YouTube on converting to BF summarised as - change the centre pin to stainless if it's not already and drill down the middle using a bench drill and cross drill holes for in and out juice flow OR grind a slot up the pin with a dremmel cutting disc. I've also heard here that you can slot the insulator that goes around the centre pin. I've not tried any of the above myself yet.
Definitely easier to just buy a bf atty unless you've got time and tools and motivation.
There's a few vids on YouTube on converting to BF summarised as - change the centre pin to stainless if it's not already and drill down the middle using a bench drill and cross drill holes for in and out juice flow OR grind a slot up the pin with a dremmel cutting disc. I've also heard here that you can slot the insulator that goes around the centre pin. I've not tried any of the above myself yet.
Definitely easier to just buy a bf atty unless you've got time and tools and motivation.

Hi , yeah thanks and i've seen a few vids on you tube re doing that to various attys, was just asking though if anyone had actually just replaced the pin on the V2 mad hatter for a bf pin without any probs as i was thinking of giving it a try but didn't want to mess it up. thanks again
By way of a little update to this thread and the quest to get my mech squonk performing to a standard that I'm happy with - I've just thrown some twisted nickel coils into a Hastur V2s that I received in a trade with @harry9668 and its performing really well - a good thick warm vape and plenty of it which is just how I like it.

I'll be working my way through the attys in this thread but it's a thumbs up for the Hastur V2s from me squonkmates

Hi mate,
If I'm reading this correctly (probably not, it is early!), your vaping nickel on a mech/power mode?
You don't want to do that mate, you are poisoning yourself!
If I've misunderstood, apologies ;-)
Hi mate,
If I'm reading this correctly (probably not, it is early!), your vaping nickel on a mech/power mode?
You don't want to do that mate, you are poisoning yourself!
If I've misunderstood, apologies ;-)

Ha - yeah I am you haven't misunderstood. First nickel I've ever used as well. Kanthal ramp up was tedious. You better 'splain me what I've failed to grasp hitherto and give me a kick in the right direction matey :). Edit: please.
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Ha - yeah I am you haven't misunderstood. First nickel I've ever used as well. Kanthal ramp up was tedious. You better 'splain me what I've failed to grasp hitherto and give me a kick in the right direction matey :). Edit: please.
I believe nickel should only be used in temperature control mode on a regulated mod. Something to do with poisonous fumes being given off at high temps. If you want a faster ramp up on a mech I'd recommend nichrome or stainless steel mate.
Ha - yeah I am you haven't misunderstood. First nickel I've ever used as well. Kanthal ramp up was tedious. You better 'splain me what I've failed to grasp hitherto and give me a kick in the right direction matey :). Edit: please.
Hey pal been reading through the thread as im too looking for the right dripper and I seeing you trying to find the right build can I suggest you Chaos wire
James Russell does some great wire and in the range is his 316L SS fused clapton wire. It's 2x24g wirh 38g outer and unlike most pre spooled fused clapton wire this has no twists in the core wire. Ramp up is perfect for a mech

Ha - yeah I am you haven't misunderstood. First nickel I've ever used as well. Kanthal ramp up was tedious. You better 'splain me what I've failed to grasp hitherto and give me a kick in the right direction matey :). Edit: please.

Are you sure you don't mean Nichrome mate (NiCr)? That is pretty much what I exclusively use on mechs
Anyway, my top 5 BF atties at present are-

Hellfire Havoc- this is the daddy when it comes to RDAs IMO
Hobo Drifter- I actually prefer this to my Narda, awesome draw on it full of flavour
Hellfire Fury- 18mm flavour beast, very intense vape
Narda- Fantastic flavour atty, it's better as a standard RDA though
Snappy V1.5- Easy to get, fantastic build quality, real top performer
Are you sure you don't mean Nichrome mate (NiCr)? That is pretty much what I exclusively use on mechs
i think monstermash (or at least i hope !! ) was refering to Ni-cr 80 and not Ni-200 in his post, as vaping Ni 200 in wattage mode is certainly a no no. Lets hope that is what he meant.

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